Monday, March 23, 2015

Doing Business in Cuba

Mini-Guide for Doing Business in Cuba:

Helpful Hints for U.S. Investors, Social Entrepreneurs, and Organizations

Prepared by members of the
Socially Responsible Enterprise and Local Development in Cuba Project*

March 23, 2015

          Since the December 17, 2014 joint announcement by Cuba and the U.S.A. that the two nations were re-establishing diplomatic relations, there has been heightened interest from all business sectors over the prospects of developing business relations with the island nation. Business opportunities between Americans and Cubans will most certainly be plentiful, especially in the long-term. However, the media frenzy has overlooked the inconvenient truth that working in Cuba is still extremely difficult for foreigners, and will remain so for a long time to come, especially for Americans. In an attempt to shorten their learning curve and make their experience on the island more rewarding and fruitful, we have developed this Mini-Guide to Doing Business in Cuba. This guide provides newcomers wishing to establish business links in Cuba – whether for profit, not for profit, hybrids, or as social entrepreneurs - with realistic, practical and up-to-date information.

         This Mini-Guide has been prepared by the members of the Socially Responsible Enterprise and Local Development in Cuba project, an international collaboration of experts on Cuban enterprises and development. Though it is probable that the majority of U.S.-Cuba entrepreneurial activity will be for-profit, Cuba’s national commitment to the social and environmental well-being of its citizens will, nevertheless, require that all business activity be undertaken with sensitivity and accountability over its social and environmental impact. Above all, it is important to remember that engagement with Cuba should be done in a mutually respectful fashion that helps Cubans preserve and enhance the achievements of their Revolution, while minimizing risk and safeguarding the goodwill and limited capital of inspired American entrepreneurs.


          Cuba and the U.S. are currently discussing the reestablishment of diplomatic relations. But the complete normalization of relations may take years to achieve and, in a number of fundamental business-related areas, may require congressional approval in the U.S. Moreover, the U.S. government has not yet approved general tourist travel to Cuba. This means that the financial and commercial embargos, as well as portions of the ban on travel by U.S. citizens, with all of their negative consequences, are still very much in place. Fortunately, there have been two Congressional Delegations to Cuba recently (January and February 2015), signaling a broad support for, and interest in, normalizing business relations and opening a path towards the entry of American business interests into the island.

          While the U.S. has made some progressive adjustments to a number of pre- December 17 regulations, including increasing approved travel categories and support for humanitarian efforts, a clear interpretation of what these changes actually mean in practice is not yet fully defined. The changes are being rolled out over time. Therefore, it is important to continually analyze the regulatory framework for approved commercial transactions and for travel before embarking on any potential business opportunity.


          While it is true that the Cuban government is in the process of implementing important economic reforms that will create new business opportunities, those seeking to profit from them must realize that Cuba is fully committed to remaining a socialist state and it is not broadening its business opportunities as a precursor to embracing capitalism. The overall aim of reform is achieving a 
“prosperous and sustainable socialism”, not adopting free-wheeling capitalism. Business people that want to do business in Cuba must respect the tenets of socialism, be able to conduct business within

the parameters of the state’s political ideology, and adapt to the quantity of state control over business transactions that exist in Cuba today. Those things are not likely change any time soon.

         Mutual mistrust must also be overcome. In the U.S.A. there are powerful pockets of support for sanction against Cuba, and in Cuba, some remain highly suspicious and mistrustful of American motives. For example, some Cubans on the island interpret President Obama’s recent changes to U.S.-Cuba regulations as an extension of the U.S.’s historical covert operations seeking ‘regime change’. Both sides have good reason given decades of spy vs. spy shenanigans and business people can expect a certain amount of wariness when they first explore potential business opportunities.

          All business deals between Cubans and foreigners, as well as any formal business deals between Cubans themselves, are made with the explicit knowledge and approval of the Cuban government. Moreover, normal business inputs such as local capital, updated plant and equipment and broad access to fast speed internet are not be readily available for foreign projects. However, Cuba’s highly qualified human resources, more often than not approved and facilitated by the state, are plentiful and eager to work. Be prepared to invest more than the normal time you usually schedule for permits because of the extended time necessary to receive appropriate bureaucratic approvals and access to necessary infrastructure and supplies.

          The Cuban government is not interested in attracting foreign business for the sake of making money. On the island, there is neither a consumer sovereignty traditions, nor an affluent consumer society with buying power. Enterprises must have clear positive impacts on the population, the environment, and on the economy, as defined by state entities, not private enterprises. Corruption, though present, is seriously frowned upon and punished with severe jail terms for local and international partners alike.

          The Cuban government is looking for large investments, not small efforts. Projects valued at under several million dollars will have a very difficult time getting reviewed. Keep in mind that the government bureaucracy that approves projects is very small and highly centralized. You will need local assistance just to get to the doorstep of the right government official. Even then, entry into his/her office may never happen due to understaffing. Also, it is also extremely difficult for Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) to establish a physical presence in Cuba, even after investing large sums of resources in building relationships with local Cubans.

          Entrepreneurs are generally self-confident “go get ‘em” types. However, when scouting out entrepreneurial opportunities in Cuba, entrepreneurs will come to understand the depths of a popular and ubiquitous Cuban expression – “No es facil / it’s not easy.” For their own health: financial, physical and mental, American entrepreneurs in Cuba should check their egos, and their preconceptions, at the airport gate, and be prepared to learn a whole new way of doing things “a la Cubana,” the Cuban way.


  • Do your homework before you plan your visit. Given the U.S.’s fifty-five year embargo, many myths and falsehoods exist about Cuba. There is a lot of reading you need to do, starting with a careful scrutiny of the current U.S. government regulations for U.S. citizens and residents travelling to Cuba as well as any pending legal claim by U.S. citizens (including Cuban-Americans) on the property or sector you wish to enter.
  • Americans have not been able to do business on the island for over five decades, but the Canadians, Europeans, Latin Americans, Israelis and Chinese, among others, have. Learn from their experiences and be aware that they will fight tooth and nail to protect their business interests. Moreover, Cuban officials already know them, and more often than not, trust them. American newcomers are not going into ‘virgin territory’; there will be tough competition when they come.
  • There are many informative publications about current economic conditions and policies being implemented in Cuba, on U.S. regulations, and on legal claims. There is also literature on the business interests of foreign partners on the island. And of course you will never go wrong by brushing up on Cuban history in your effort to understand this truly singular society. A suggested bibliography is listed at the end of this guide.
  • Make sure your business concept truly meets local social and economic needs as defined by the priorities of the Cuban government.
  • Don’t assume the Cubans will be interested in your project, no matter how obviously good and relevant it seems to you. They operate under many constraints that are difficult for Americans to understand. It is crucial to listen carefully to what the Cubans actually want, and not impose what you think they should want.
  • To start a project, it is imperative to first establish a relationship with a Cuban counterpart organization vetted by the government to work with foreigners. Don’t show up in Cuba without previous research and pre-established contacts with individuals and/or institutions.
  • How to find a counterpart? Go to Cuba to visit, learn, and explore. Seek out and participate in a Cuban conference in your area or sector of interest. Such travel should be much easier under the adjusted U.S. travel regulations. In this way you can make initial contacts and check out the local state of knowledge of your intended business in a manner that is cost effective. Often, there is more transparency in a conference setting, especially when sponsored by a university or an academic association.
  • After the initial exploratory visit on a tourist visa, and in order to establish a formal business relationship, you will need to travel to Cuba again under a business visa. Make sure you get the appropriate visa. In many cases government officials will not talk to you if you only have a tourist visa.

·       Don’t think you will somehow figure out how to get around the rules of the game set forth by the Cuban government. You may do so temporarily, but never for long.

  • Don’t, under any circumstance, accept funding from USAID or any of its contractors. In Cuba such support is tantamount to announcing you are working for regime change. Your venture will end right there.
  • By all means enjoy the beauty, history, and uniqueness of the place. Get to know the warm, humorous, proud and well-educated Cuban people. Take the time to smell the gardenias in what may well be a once-in-a-lifetime experience at an unprecedented time in history. Increase your tolerance for contradictions and don’t forget to have fun.

*  Socially Responsible Enterprise and Local Development in Cuba Project (SRELDC) - Launched in 2008 with support from the Christopher Reynolds Foundation, SRELDC’s principal objective is to understand and assist Cuban efforts to preserve the social achievements of the Revolution while creating a prosperous and sustainable economy. Over time, with crucial support from the Avina Foundation, the initiative has expanded into an international Consortium of participants. This group is comprised primarily of organizations and individuals from Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Columbia, Ecuador, Mexico and Spain. During the same period, the Consortium has developed strong relations with a variety of institutions in Cuba including universities, government agencies, and non-profit organizations. Without such partnerships, successful programs would not be feasible. In the U.S., SRELDC operates in affiliation with the Green Cities Fund, a 501(c)(3) organization focused on international development issues. No funding has been accepted, nor will be sought, from the U.S. government or its subcontractors.

For more information, contact Eric Leenson at



U.S. Treasury Department: 


                     Cuba FAQ:

                      Embargo FAQ: as of 3/11/2015

                       Travel Restrictions:

U.S. Commerce Department:

SOL Economics:  as of 3/11/2015

The Cuban Economy: as of 3/11/2015

Cuba News: as of 3/11/2015

Cuban News Agency: as of 3/11/2015

Cubadebate: as of 3/11/2015


Center for the Study of Democracy in the Americas cda/subscribe-to-the-cuba-central-news-blast/ as of 3/11/2015


Betancourt, Rafael and Pérez Villanueva, Omar Everleny. “Analysis of the Portfolio of Opportunities for Foreign investment in Cuba”, Cuba Study Group, and 694f392e8bd4 as of 3/11/2015

Feinberg, Richard– Series on Cuban Economy as of 3/11/2015

Sagebien, Julia & Spadoni, Paolo “Dealing with the New Cuba”, Ivey Business Journal, Jan.- Feb. 2015 as of 3/11/2015
Sagebien, Julia & Leenson, Eric. “Cuban Remix”, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Winter 2015 as of 3/11/2015

Spadoni, Paolo. “Cuba’s Socialist Economy Today: Navigating Challenges and Change” (2014) Lynne Rienner Publishers

Ritter, Archibald R.M. and Henken, Ted A. “Entrepreneurial Cuba: The Changing Policy Landscape” (2014) First Forum Press, a division of Lynne Rienner Publishers

Monday, March 16, 2015

Environmental Heroines

Environmental Heroines (Draft, first three columns of matrix)

Name (Who) What Country (Where)
In History
Hildegard von Bingen  Benedictine abbess, writer, composer, herbalist and mystic. She wrote theological, botanical and medicinal texts, songs, poems, and arguably the oldest surviving morality play Germany
Pocahontas  Native American, daughter of Chief Powatan, educator, guide and diplomat to British colonists USA
Mary Dyer  Quaker USA
Nanyehi, or Nancy Ward  Cherokee "Beloved Woman" USA
Jane Golden  First US female Botanist USA
Amrita Devi Founder of Chipko Movement.  India
Sacajawea (“Bird Woman”)  Shoshone Indian, captured by the Hidatsa and sold in marriage to a French trapper, joined the Lewis and Clark expedition as trailblazer and interpreter at 16 yrs old USA
Marie Dorion Native American guide and interpreter, Iowa tribe  USA
Octavia Hill Open space campaigner UK
Anna Kingsford one of the first English women to obtain a degree in medicine UK
Jane Addams  pioneer settlement worker, founder of Hull House in Chicago, public philosopher, sociologist, author, and leader in woman suffrage and world peace.  USA
 Ann Haymond Zwinger nature writer, Run, River, Run; A Conscious Stillness: Two Naturalists on Thoreau's Rivers, 1982; A Desert Country near the Sea: A Natural History of the Cape Region of Baja California, 1983; John Xantus: The Fort Tejon Letters, 1857-1859 (editor), 1986; The Mysterious Lands: A Naturalist Explores the Four Great Deserts of the Southwest, 1989; USA
Adela Gondek Profesor of Environmental Ethics and Environemntal Policy at Columbia University USA
Aika Tsubota  12 year old author of children's book Secrets of the Earth Japan
Aila Inkero Keto  President of the Queensland Rainforest Conservation Society Australia
Aimee Christensen Christensen Global Strategies, LLC USA
Akbar Sara Hussain  Engineer responsible for capping burning oil wells after Kuwaiti War Bahrain
Akima Paul  15 year old Environmental Communicator Grenada
Alanna Mitchell Sea Sick: The Global Ocean in Crisis
Alegria Fonseca Barrera  member of the Colombian Parliament Colombia
Alice Stewart physician,  epidemiologist specialising in the effects of radiation on health UK 
Alice Tepper Marlin Council on Economic Priorities USA
Alice Waters Chef, Author, Restaurateur USA
Alisa Gravitz For 30 years Gravitz has led Green America, the national green economy organization. USA
Alison Smith Activist, Election Finance Reformist USA
Alla Yaroshinskaya politician and journalist Ukraine
Ami Zota Sc.D, M.S., postdoctoral fellow in the Program on Reproductive Health and Environment at the University of California, San Francisco  USA
Amina J. Mohammed Engineer, Special Adviser to UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon on Post-2015 Development Planning Nigeria
Aminata Wade Founder of an association of women's groups working against desertification Senegal
Amy Goodman host of Democracy Now!  USA
Amy Irvine Nature Writer USA
Amy Vedder Conservationist, Co-Founder of the Mountain Gorilla Project USA
Ana Maria Kleymeyer 2008 winner Stratospheric Ozone Protection Awards Argentina
Andia Chaves Fonnegra L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Colombia
Anesia do Amaral Schmidt  84-year-old dedicated to the conservation of native woods. Brazil
Angela Merkel Chancellor of Germany Germany
Angelina M. Galiteva Founder of the Renewables 100 Policy Institute and New Energy Options, Inc. USA
Anita Roddick  founded The Body Shop International UK
Anitra Thorhaug Club of Rome USA
Ann Daniels Polar Explorer UK
Ann Hancock Co-founder and Executive Director of the Climate Protection Campaign USA
Ann Veneman Ex US Secretary of Agriculture USA
Anna and Livio Michelini  Sociologist and Phycisist, respectively, founders of  Environmental and Social Rehabilitation Programme for Informal Settlements (Favelas). Brazil
Anna Getty  Celebrity environmentalist, Getty Oil heiress USA
Anna Giordano joined the Italian League for the Protection of Birds at the age of six, and organized an international surveillance camp for the protection of migrating raptors and storks at 15 Italy
Anna H. Merz  gave everything she had to create a Rhino sanctuary Kenya
Anna Teixeira  secretary general of CAIPA, a Portuguese NGO concerned with promoting sustainable development Portugal
Anne Anderson exposed one of the worst Superfund sites in Massachusetts USA
Anne Howland Ehrlich  senior research associate in biology, associate director and policy coordinator of the Center for Conservation Biology at Stanford University USA
Anne Kajir chief executive officer of the Environmental Law Centre in Port Moresby, Attorney, fights  illegal logging  Papua New Guinea
Anne LaBastille Wildlife Ecologist and nature writer USA
Anne Mearns  established Wilger Veld and Youth Conservation Clubs in approximately 50 schools South Africa
Annelisa Kilbourn  British veterinarian and wildlife expert UK 
Annie Leonard proponent of sustainability and critic of excessive consumerism
Annie Novak  Founder and director of Growing Chefs Field-to-fork education courses USA
Anuja Mendiratta M.E.S., Board Chair, Women's Voices for the Earth USA
April Bucksbaum  Executive Director The Baum Foundation USA
Ariel Salleh Sociologist, social economist, ecofeminist Australia
Arundhati Roy  Indian author, actress, and political activist 
Arunee Dejdamrongsakkul   secondary school student at Suksanari School in Bangkok,  member of "Divide by Two" energy efficiency group Thailand
Aurora Castillo Founder of Mothers of East Los Angeles (MELA), a community organization fighting to protect East Los Angeles from environmental and public health threats USA
Åsa Persson, Dr. Senior Research Fellow at Stockholm Environment Institute, Planetary Boundary Governance Sweden
Aye Net and Thwe Thwe Win Imprisoned for fighting against copper mine in their village Burma
Aysia Wright  B.A. in Environmental Science, a J.D. focused on environmental law , founder of green online fashion shop Greenloop  USA
Badria Abdullah Al-Awadi Director of Arab Regional Center for Environmental Law (ARCEL) Kuwait
Barbara d'Achille  journalist.  Lived in the Peruvian jungles for 18 years, opposing any depredation and campaigned for national parks and sustainable development.  Lithuanian-Peruvian
Barbara Marx Hubbard Futurist, politician, coined the term 'Conscious Evolution', ideological heir to Buckminster Fuller USA
Barbara Y. E. Pyle  produced award-winning environmental documentaries for the Turner Broadcasting System USA
Barli Development Institute for Rural Women India
Basma bint Ali, H.R.H. Princess founder and chairperson of a number of grassroots NGOs in the field of environment and sustainable development Jordan
Bebe Arcifa Khan-Ajodha Trinidad Tobago
Belinda Reyers, Dr. A conservation biologist whose research focuses on biodiversity , its condition, conservation and links to human wellbeing.  South Africa
Bernadette Castro Former Commissioner, NY State Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation USA
Bernadette Cozart gardener, botanist, urban gardening advocate USA
Bernadette del Chiaro Director, Environment California’s Clean Energy Program USA
Bernadette Vallely  Founder and Director of the Women's Environmental Network (WED)  UK
Beth Conover Principal, Headwaters Consulting LLC USA
Beth “Horehound” O’Brien USA
Beth Stevens Senior VP Env Affairs, Disney World Wide Services USA
Betsy Barlow Rogers First Director, Central Park Conservancy USA
Betsy West  executive producer USA
Bette Midler Actress, Activist USA
Beverly Wright head of the Deep South Center for Environmental Justice at Dillard University in New Orleans USA
Bianca Jagger Celebrity, Activist, Philanthropist Nicaragua
Biruté Galdikas  primatologist, conservationist, ethologist Canada
BJ Cummings Principal at Community Environmental Services, Inc. USA
Brenda and Robert Vale  architects, they are at the leading edge of developing houses and buildings, which have minimal impact on the environment.
Brianna Almaguer Sandoval Leading The Food Trust's Healthy Corner Store Initiative USA
Brigitte Bardot  founder of the "Fondation Brigitte Bardot," active in promoting the protection of animals  France
Bu Eroh in 1985 led her community in West Java in constructing a water channel across four kilometres of rough mountainside. Three villages benefitted from the water supply Indonesia
Chief Caleen Sisk Caleen Sisk is the Spiritual Leader and Tribal Chief of the Winnemem Wintu Tribe, in the McCloud River watershed in Northern California USA
Carol Browner lawyer, environmentalist, and businesswoman USA
Carol J. Adams writer, feminist, and animal rights advocate USA
Carol Koury Founder, Sow True Seeds Co. USA
Carol Kratz USA
Carol Mosely Braun Founder and President, Good Food Organics, Presidential Candidate for the Democratic Nomination, 2004 USA
Carolina Garcia Travesi  15 year old global environmenal activist Mexico
Caroline Cannon  She has become the strongest and most consistent voice against the rush to drill in the Arctic seas. USA
Caroline Lucas British Green party politician UK
Carolyn Merchant Ecofeminist, Author, The Death of Nature: Women, Ecology and the Scientific Revolution USA
Carolyn Raffesnperger Anthropologist, Environmental Lawyer, Director of the Science and Environmental Health Network USA
Cary Fowler Rural Advancement Fund International USA
Cath Wallace lecturer at Victoria University in economics and public policy, focusing primarily on the environment New Zealand
Catherine Caufield  journalist for The New Yorker and author of In the Rain Forest USA
Catherine Hicks  raises funds for marine mammal conservation USA
Catherine Keller Theologian who fights for social and ecological justice Australia
Catherine 'Kay" Kerr Co-founder, Save the Bay USA
Cathrine Sneed Founder and director of the Garden Project USA
Cathy Oke Chair of the Future Melbourne (Eco-City) Committee, Deputy Chair of the Future Melbourne (Connected City) Committee and Co-Chair of the Parks and Gardens Advisory Committee. Australia
Champa Shukla Bhopal activist who has ignited the international campaign to seek justice for disaster survivors 20+ years after India
Chan Eng Heng, Dr. (and husband Mr. Liew Hock Chark)   Sea Turtle Research Unit (SEATRU) of University College, Terengganu Malaysia
Chandra Degia and Jimmy Brown  Catalysts for Wildlife and Environmental Conservation (WECAN), formed in 1991, encourages environmental awareness among Jamaican youth; the development of a sustainable conservation ethic; and resource appreciation Jamaica
Charlene Spretnak inducted into the Ohio Women's Hall of Fame for her writings on spirituality and social justice. USA
Charlotte Rajeriarison  University of Antananarivo's  head of the Ecology Department Madagascar
Chloe Coscarelli  vegan cupcake maker, activist, entrepreneur India
Chodchoy Sophonpanich  president of the Thai Environmental and Community Development Association, Winner Global 500 Thailand
Christiana Figueres Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Costa Rica
Christine Ervin Former U.S. Assistant Secretary for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy USA
Christine Jean Her crusade to save the Loire by rallying  small opposition groups along the river into one strong national organization, S.O.S. Loire Vivante, won against govt plans to build a dam France
Christine Loh JP, OBE, former Hong Kong Legislator China
Christine Milne  Member of the  "Green Independent" party in the Tasmanian Parliament Tasmania
Cindy Duehring Activist and researcher USA
Claire Greensfelder peace and safe energy activist, educator, political campaigner, and occasional journalist focusing on climate change USA
Clare Dakin founded TreeSisters UK
Colette Serruya research and monitoring of Lake Kinneret (The Sea of Galilee) Israel
Colleen McCrory  protector of the world's largest remaining temperate rainforest in British Columbia Canada
Connie Hedegaard EU Climate Commissioner
Cristina Narbona Ruiz Minister of Environment in the government of Spain Spain
Crystal Lameman Beaver Lake Cree Nation, anti Tar Sands activist Canada
Cynthia de Wit, Prof. Ecotoxicology and environmental fate of persistent organic pollutants Sweden
Cynthia Jurs 20 years healing the Earth, Exec. Dir., Earth Treasure Vase Global Healing Project  The Congo
Cynthia Rosenzweig NASA's Goddard Space Center, Columbia University profesor  USA
Dai Qing Daughter of a revolutionary martyr, former missile technician, now a fearless journalist who opposes to the Three Gorges dam. China
Danielle Nierenberg Senior Researcher at the Worldwatch Institute, co-Founder of Food Tank: The Food Think Tank  USA
Danuse Kvasnickova  Biology teacher, promoted environmental education Czech Republic
Daphne Marjorie Sheldrick  works with animals in Tsavo National Park  Kenya
Deborah Rice She received her Ph.D. in toxicology from the University of Rochester, after which she worked as a risk assessor at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Center for Environmental Assessment USA
Dee Boersma Wadsworth Endowed Chair in Conservation Studies at the University of Washington in Seattle, has done extensive field studies on penguins and other sea birds, research that has led to a greater understanding of the human impact on marine ecosystems and for advocating conservation through education. USA
Deirdre Imus Founder and President of the Deirdre Imus Environmental Center for Pediatric Oncology
Dian Fossey  Mountain gorilla researcher and activist USA
Diana H. Wall professor of biology at Colorado State University who has studied soil biodiversity in Antarctica and Kansas over the last two decades USA
Diane Wilson Gulf Coast Shrimper and Eco-warrior USA
Dianne Dumanoski  Journalist, environmental activist USA
Digna Ochoa lawyer representing environmentalists Mexico
Dina Iosifovna Protsenko  Director, State Committee on the Environment Russia
Dolores Huerta Co-founder United Farm Workers of America USA
Donella Meadows pioneering American environmental scientist, teacher and writer. She is best known as lead author of the influential book The Limits to Growth USA
Donna Haraway a Distinguished Professor Emerita in the History of Consciousness Department at the University of California, Santa Cruz, United States; she has taught Women's Studies and the History of Science, After high school Haraway moved to Paris and studied evolutionary philosophy and theology at the Fondation Teilhard de Chardin on a Fulbright scholarship. Haraway then did a triple major in zoology, philosophy and literature at the Colorado College. She completed her Ph.D. in biology at Yale in 1970 USA
Dorothy Stang Deforestation fighter Brazil
Dr. Deb Richter Fought for, and won a bill for single payer health care in Vermont USA
Duna Kör Sweden
 Elizabeth Barlow Landscape designer, Nature writer, The Forests and Wetlands of New York City USA
Edwige Guillon  Australia
Eha Kern Australia
Eileen Claussen Ozone Award USA
Eileen Kampakuta Brown
Eileen Wingfield USA
Eleanor Fairchild 78-year-old farmer from eastern Texas who is working to defend her land against the Keystone XL pipeline USA
Eleni Gabre-Madhin Food security entrepreneur, created Ethiopia's first food comodity trading platform Ethiopia 
Elinor Ostrom  Political Scientist, known for her defense of The Commons as a community management project USA
Elisa Lynch USA
Elisabeth Graffy Coordinator; Natural Resource and Environmental Indicators - Office of Policy Analysis, U.S. Department of the Interior USA
Elizabeth Colleton, Jane Evans and Susan Haspel NBC Universal's "Green is Universal" Initiative  USA
Elizabeth Kolbert  Environmental Journalist USA
Elizabeth May  UK
Elizabeth Titus Putnam founded the Student Conservation Association (SCA) USA
Ellen McArthur, Dame Solo around the world sailor and yachtswoman, founded the Ellen McArthur Foundation (2009) UK
Ellen Meloy Nature Writer USA
Ellen Peterson USA
Ellen Swallow UK
Emily Figdor Federal Global Warming Program Director, Environment America USA
Emily Pauline Johnson, aka Tekahionwake Poet and naturalist  Canada
Emma Must
Emma Pullman  First Nations tar sands witness and blogger Canada
Elena Bennett, Prof. PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Natural Resource Sciences and McGill School of Environment McGill University, Montreal, Canada Canada
Erin Schrode At 13, Erin helped found a small neighborhood organization outside San Francisco. Now 22, Erin's Teens Turning Green is a student-led movement advocating eco-lifestyle and youth leadership. Its banner initiative, Project Green Challenge, can now be found in 21 countries and 48 U.S. states  USA
Erna Witoelar  Indonesia
Esther Boserup Author, Woman’s Role in Economic Development.
Esther Gulick Co-founderof Save the Bay USA
Esther Peter-Davis  France
Eung-Bai Shin  Korea
Evgenia Chirikova
Fadzai Zengeya L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Zimbabwe
Fatih Yilmaz  Somalia
Fatima Jibrell Director, Horn of Africa Relief and Development Organization 
Fatma El-Gohary  Egypt
Felicia Langer
Fernanda M. Kellogg President, Tiffany & Co. Foundation
Fiona Reynolds  UK
Florence Fisher  USA
Florence Page Jacques Nature writer, Snowshoe Country USA
Florence Robinson professor of biology, Southern University USA
Frances Beinecke President, National Resources Defense Council (NRDC). USA
Frances Moore Lappe Environmentalist USA
Francis Boateng  Ghana
Francisca Nneka Okeke Atmospheric geophysicist, professor, scientist, and researcher Nigeria
Françoise d'Eaubonne French feminist, coined the word ecofeminism France
Gabrielle Bernstein International Activist
Gaia Vince Journalist, Author of "Adventures of the Anthropocene" USA
Gay Browne  Greenopia,
Georgina Mace Centre for Biodiversity and Environment Research UK
Gertrude Duby Blom  Mexico
Ginger Strand novelist, environmental writer, and an amateur historian USA
Giomar Helena Borrero-Pérez L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Colombia
Gladys Kahaka L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Namibia 
Gladys Khangwayini Mashinini  South Africa
Gochoogin Jamts Mongolia Mongolia
Gome Gnohite Hilaire  Cote d'Ivoire
Gonoshasthaya Kendra / Zafrullah Chowdhury Bangladesh
Gordafrid Miller Environmental Commissioner
Grace Boggs Activist-Philosopher, co-founder of Detroit Summer, founder of James and Grace Lee Boggs Center to Nurture Community Leadership USA
Greta Gaard
Gretchen Daily Stanford University professor, co-founded the Natural Capital Project USA
Gretel Ehrlich Author of The Solace of Open Spaces, USA
Gro Harlem Brundtland Norway's first woman prime minister Norway
 Helen G. Cruickshank nature writer, Flight Into Sunshine: Bird Experiences in Florida USA
Habiba Sarabi Governor of Afghanistan’s Bamyan Province; apracticing physician, Governor Sarabi was forced to flee Taliban rule.  Afghanistan
Hafidi My El-Mehdi Morocco
Harekala Moideen  India
Harriet Friedmann Professor of Geography and Planning, Sociology and the Munk School of Global Studies Canada
Hasna J. Moudud  member of the Bangladeshi Parliament, fought to save the coastal ecosystems in Bangladesh Bangladesh
Hazel Henderson D.Sc.Hon., FRSA, a futurist, evolutionary economist and author of nine books including Ethical Markets: Growing the Green Economy (2006). created the Green Transition Scoreboard™, tracking private investment worldwide in green technologies. USA
Heffa Schuecking Germany
Helen Clark administrator of the United Nations Development Program New Zealand
Helen Mack Guatemala
Helen Mary Caldicott MD until 1980 when she resigned to work full time on the prevention of nuclear war, anti-nuclear activist, Australia, USA
Helena Norberg-Hodge Ladakh Ecological Development Group India
Helene Aylon  ecofeminist, artist USA
Her Majesty Queen Noor  Jordan
Hiroyuki Ishi  Japan
Hope Burwell Organic Farmer, writer, teacher USA
Hunter Lovins  President of Natural Capitalism Solutions. NCS helps companies, communities and countries implement more sustainable business practices profitably. USA
Idelisa Bonnelly de Calventi marine biologist Dominican Republic
Ikal Angelei Fought against damming Lake Turkana and won Ethiopia
Ina May Gaskin USA
Irene Fernandez Malaysia
Irina Vasilevna Springuel  Egypt
Irma Allen  Swaziland
Isa Bryant USA
Isabel Cristina Chinchilla Soto L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Costa Rica
Isabella Rossellini Actress, Director, Writer & Celebrity Environmental Activist USA
Izabella Teixeira Environment Minister Brazil
Jacqueline Holmes Kopali Organics USA
Jacqueline Moudeina Chad
Jacqui Katona Australia
Jadwiga Lopata Poland
Jae Edmonds, Dr. Laboratory Fellow and Chief Scientist;Pacific Northwest National LaboratoryJoint Global Change Research Institute at the University of Maryland College Park USA
Jan Barry, Thomas E. Franklin, Mary Jo Layton, Tim Nostrand, Alex Nussbaum, Tom Troncone, Debra Lynn Vial, Lindy Washburn, Barbara Williams Toxic Legacy
Jan C. Van der Leun  Ozone Netherlands
Jane Elder Environmental Communications Specialist -- Jane Elder Strategies USA
Jane Goodall  Primate Scientist UK
Jane Jacobs Urbanist and activist, primary interest in communities and urban planning and decay. USA
Jane Long Associate Director-at-Large at Lawrence Livermore National Lab USA
Jane Lubchenco Ecologist, professor of marine biology at Oregon State University  USA
Janet Biehl 
Janet Gibson Belize
Janet MacGillivray Wallace Creek, J.D., LL.M., is an environmental attorney and social change activist USA
Janette Sadik-Khan Commissioner, NYC Dept of Trans. USA
Janine Benyus Author, Biomimicry USA
Janis and Bob Jones  New Zealand
Jayni Chase Environmental Activist and Philanthropist USA
Jean Clark, Norma Dana, Marguerite Purnell, Betsy Barlow Rogers and Phyllis Wagner Central Park Conservancy USA
Jean La Rose Guyana
Jean M. Belanger  Canada
Jeanette Armstrong Ph.D. in Environmental Ethics and Syilx Indigenous Literatures, recipient of the EcoTrust Buffett Award for Indigenous Leadership Canada
Jennie Dundas and Alexis Miesen  Blue Marble Ice Cream Rwanda microloans USA
Jenny Clad Director -- The Climate Project USA
Jenny Deller  Writer/Director/Producer Documentarian USA
Jill Buck  wrote the Go Green Initiative, which is now the largest and fastest growing comprehensive environmental education program in the world USA
Jill Danyelle  eco-fashion designer, green interior designer USA
Jill Phipps USA
Jill Sheppard Barbados
Jillian Banfield Laureate of the 13th Annual L’Oréal-UNESCO 2011 For Women in Science Awards USA
Joan Blades Co-founder, USA
Joan Kleypas A marine ecologist and geologist with the National Center for Atmospheric Research USA
Joan Norman USA
JoAnn Tall USA
Joanna Macy Writer, Environmental Activist
Jody Williams Nobel Peace Laureate
Johannie Maria Spaan L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows South Africa 
Joke Waller-Hunter UNFCCC Executive Secretary The Netherlands
Joon-Yuep Cha Korea
Josie Maran Actress, businesswomen, activist USA
Joy Adamson protector of Lions USA
Joyce Sequichie Hifler Author, A Cherokee Feast of Days USA
Judith (Judi) Beatrice Bari Earth First! Leader USA
Judith Curry Chair, School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences - Georgia Institute of Technology USA
Judith Kimmerling Environmental litigator USA / Ecuador
Judith Nies Environmental Journalist USA
Judith Plaskow
Judith Rodin PhD President, Rokefeller Foundation USA
Julia Belle Thompson Bonds (Judy) executive director of Coal River Mountain Watch USA
Judy Corbett  Executive Director;Local Government Commission USA
Judy DaSilva Was awarded the Michael Sattler Peace Prize from the German Mennonite Peace Committe Canada
Judy Wicks Business Alliance for Local Living Economies 
Julia Bonds USA
Julia Butterfly Hill Garnered int'l attention for the world’s last remaining ancient forests; climbed 180 feet into the branches of a 1000 year-old redwood tree  USA
Julia Hailes  UK
Julia Louis-Dreyfus celebrity environmentalist, actress USA
Julia Martinez Instituto Nacional de Ecología  Mexico
Julia Trigg Crawford Farm Manager, activist USA
Julie Urlaub Managing Partner of Taiga Company, a consulting firm helping clients to powerfully engage sustainability communications in the social media space USA
Juliet B. Shore Economist, sociologist, professor at Harvard and Boston College USA
Jung Hee Park  Korea
Kaisha Atakhanova Kazakhstan
Kalee D. Kreider Communications Director -- Office of the Hon. Al Gore and Mrs. Tipper Gore USA
Kandi Mossett Mandan, Hidatsa, Arikara, is Native Energy & Climate Campaign Organizer for the Indigenous Environmental Network USA
Karen Eckert 
Karen J. Warren
Karen Orenstein Friends of the Earth US
Karen Wristen Executive Director, Living Oceans Society Canada
Katarina Kruhonja / Vesna Terselic Croatia
Kate and Andrew Lipkis  Founded Treepeople USA
Kate Harris Masters in geopolitics and geobiology USA
Kate Harris Chief Executive Officer, Centre for Sustainability Leadership Australia
Kate Lipkis
Kate Raworth Researcher and lecturer exploring the economic mindset needed to address the 21st century’s social and ecological challenges USA
Kathleen Bader Former President of NatureWorks LLC USA
Kathleen Dean Moore Distinguished Professor of Philosophy at Oregon State University and co-founder and Senior Fellow of the Spring Creek Project for Ideas, Nature, and the Written Word USA
Kathleen Hadley Executive Director -- National Center for Appropriate Technology USA
Kathleen McGinty Chair, Council on Environmental Quality USA
Kathrin Barboza Márquez L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Bolivia
Katherine Richardson, PhD Oceanographer, State Natural History Museum Copenhagen Copenhagen
Kathryn S. Fuller  USA
Kathryn Wasserman Davis With sustained philanthropic activity over 75 years, she supported the restoration of the Hudson River. USA
Kathy Fletcher Environmental catalyst, founder and executive director of People for Puget Sound, has led this citizen organization’s efforts to protect and restore the health of the Sound and the Northwest Straits through education and action USA
Kay Kelley Arnold Entergy Foundation USA
Kelsey Juliana 18 yr old walking across US for Climate USA
Kendra Pierre Louis writer, researcher, environmental strategist for the Post Growth Institute and author of Green Washed: Why We Can’t Buy Our Way to a Green Planet. USA
Kerri-Ann Jones, Dr. Head of Bureau of Oceans and International Environmental and Scientific Affairs USA
Ki-Chel Choi  Korea
Kim Stanley Robinson
Kimberly Snyder  holistic nutritionist  USA
Kirsten Brydum USA
Kirsten Schwind co-founded Bay Localize in 2006, and in 2009 authored the Community Resilience Toolkit, a grassroots climate adaptation guide USA
Kory Johnson USA
Krishnakumar Panday  Nepal
Krisna Tamrakar  Nepal
Kristine Pearson and Rory Stear
Kruti Parekh  India
KT Tunstall  Singer, activist Scotland
Kyung-Sun Won  Korea
L. Hunter Lovins President, Natural Capitalism Solutions USA
Laila Iskandar Kamel Egypt
Lalita Balakrishnan  India
Larisa Dobriansky Baker & Hostetler USA
Laura Berón  The Montreal Protocol: HCFCs and HFCs Argentina 
Laura Miller  Texas Clean Air Cities Coalition (TCACC)  USA
Laura Paskus Journalist specializing in politics surrounding environmental stewardship and use, environmental destruction and abuse. USA
Laura Turner Seydel  environmental activist USA
Laura Tyson, Founder, The Women's Wilderness Institute USA
Laurie David  Global Warming Activist/Movie Producer/Author USA
Laurie Marker Tyler Prize Laureate In recognition of her contributions in developing an ecosystem based approach to sustainable management of a landscape, using the knowledge and economic interests of the local population, and thereby also supporting the continuation and survival of the cheetah. USA
Laurie Marker
Leanne Betasamosake Simpson Mississauga Nishnaabeg Native American, writer, author of Lighting the Eighth Fire: The Liberation, Protection and Resurgence of Indigenous Nations and Dancing on Our Turtle’s Back: Stories of Nishnaabeg Re-Creation, Resurgence and a New Emergence Canada, First Nation
Leanne Mai-ly Hilgart  founder and designer of the vegan fashion label Vaute Couture  USA
Legeia Gonzalez L.  Colombia
Leilani Munter  Race car driver and environmental activist  USA
Leonie Vejjajiva  Thailand
Leymah Gbowee Nobel Peace Laureate
Libia Grueso Colombia
Lilian Corra  Argentina
Lilky Mabura Nature Writer Kenya, USA
Lily Venizelos  Greece
Lily Yeh Healing economically devastated communities through art USA
Linda Moulton Howe Journalist USA
Lindsey Allen Exec Dit Rainforest Action Network USA
Lisa Berry
Lisa Gansky Author, The Mesh USA
Lisa Goddard Director of the International Research Institute for Climate and Society (IRI) USA
Lisa P. Jackson Director, EPA USA
Liz Putnam President, Student Conservation Assoc USA
Lois Gibbs formed the Love Canal Homeowners Association, led to the creation of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation and Liability Act, or Superfund USA
Loren Legarda-Leviste  Philippines
Lorraine Adams 
Lorraine Adams New Zealand
Louise de Kiriline Lawrence internationally renowned naturalist, author and nurse. She was the most prolific contributor to the National Audubon Society magazine Audubon. USA
Louise Miller Environmental Catalyst, former state legislator, King County Council member, and member of numerous environmental advisory committees USA
Lucy Aquino World Wildlife Fund Paraguay Director Paraguay
Lynn Chase Wildlife Artist, Philanthropist USA
Lynn Goldman pediatrician and epidemiologist, dean of the School of Public Health and Health Services at George Washington University USA
Lynn Henning USA
Lynn Margulis Evolutionary Biologist, associated with the Gaia hypothesis USA
Lynn Wagner Manager of IISD Reporting Services’ Knowledge Management Projects: Climate Change Policy & Practice, Biodiversity Policy & Practice and Sustainable Development Policy & Practice. USA
M. A. Partha Sarathy  India
M.C. Mehta India
Ma Jun China
MaVynee Betsch USA
Madeline Janis co-founder and national policy director of LAANE, LA A New Economy for All USA
Mae Jemison Founder, BioSentient Corporation USA
Mairead Maguire Nobel Peace Laureate
Maitraye Devi  India
Majora Carter Founder and Executive Director of Sustainable South Bronx USA
Małgorzata Górska Poland
Malin Falkenmark  Sweden
Mallika Wanigasundara  sri Lanka
Manana Kochladze Georgia
Maneka Sanjay Gandhi  politician, animal rights activist, environmentalist, former model and widow of the Indian politician, Sanjay Gandhi India
Manulani Aluli Meyer  USA, Hawaii
Margaret (Peg) Tileston founding board member of the Alaska Center for the Environment, helped to organize the Alaska Conservation Foundation. USA
Margaret Jacobsohn Namibia
Margaret Lydecker  Founder, Green Drinks NYC networking USA
Margaret Mee  Brazil
Margaret Robertson  Australia
Margaret Wittenberg Whole Foods Market Vice President of Global Communications and Quality Standards USA
Margaret, The Lady Thatcher 
Margie Eugene-Richard USA
Margie Ruddick Environmental Designer USA
Margot Elisabeth Wallström European Commission Environment Commissioner from 1999–2004 Sweden
Maria Aida Velasquez  Philipines
Maria Cherkasova Journalist, Ecologist Russia
Maria Elena Foronda Farro Peru
Maria Gunnoe USA
Maria Mies  Sociologist, eco-feminist Germany
Maria Rodale Chairman, Rodale Publishing USA
Maria Teresa Ortiz  USA
Maria V. Cherkasova  Russia
Marian Chertow Director and Associate Professor
Industrial Environmental Management
Yale School of Forestry & Environmental Studies
Marielle Anzelone  Botanist and Urban Ecologist USA
Marie-Paul Labey France
Marilyn Waring Human rights and environmental activist USA
Marilyn Weiner TV producer, Journey to Planet Earth USA
Marina Rikhvanova Russia
Marina Silva Brazil
Marion Nestle Paulette Goddard Professor in the Department of Nutrition, Food Studies, and Public Health at New York University, also Professor of Sociology at NYU and Visiting Professor of Nutritional Sciences at Cornell USA
Marion Shoard Environmental activist, Eldercare campaigner UK
Marion Stoddart USA
Maritza Pulido-Santana  Venezuela
Martha Delgado Environment Secretary, Mexico City, Mexico Mexico
Marti Boada  Spain
Marti Kheel
Mary and Carrie Dann Western Shoshone Nation USA
Mary Ann Sumner Dryden, NY Town Supervisor USA
Mary Daly feminist phiolosopher, theologian, and academic USA
Mary Grey
Mary Mavanza manager of the TACARE program of the Jane Goodall Institute, has helped hundreds of Tanzanian women start environmentally sustainable businesses through microcredit loans and by providing training in accounting.  Tanzania
Mary McGillicuddy-Sheehy  Ireland
Mary Mellor Sociologist, Green Economics Institute UK
Mary Robinson  President of Ireland, U.N.’s High Commissioner for Human Rights Ireland
Mary Zanoni Allegretti  Brazil
Maryam Henein  Vanishing of the Bees movie USA
Masazumi Harada  Japan
Maude Barlow  Canada
Maureen Hart Executive Director; Sustainable Measures USA
May Boeve Co-founder, Step It Up, later, which merged w/ 1Sky USA
May Lindstrom  green skincare chef  USA
May R. Berenbaum Tyler Prize Laureate for In recognition of her contributions in the field of coevolution of herbivorous insects and plants, elucidating the physiological and genetic basis for understanding the interactions between herbivorous insects and plants, her application of these concepts to agricultural practices, and for sharing her insights on the role of insects in our ecosystems. USA
Maya Lin Artist, Architect, and Environmentalist USA
Maxima Acuna de Chaupe member of the Asociación de Mujeres en Defensa de la Vida (Association of Women in Defence of Livelihood) and the Unión Latinoamericana de Mujeres (Latin American Women's Union) Peru
Medha Patkar India
Mei Ng Anthropologist China
Melina Laboucan-Massimo Lubicon Cree from Northern Alberta, advocate for Indigenous rights Canada
Melissa Dann Executive Director -- Wallace Global Fund USA
Melissa Leach, Prof. Director of the Institute of Development Studies USA
Melissa Nelson USA
Michelle Lanzoni Biologist, Nature writer USA
Minakshi Arora Yamuna Waterkeeper India
Mindy Lubber Director of the Investor Network on Climate Risk, representing $11 trillion in assets   USA
Miranda Gibson Front-line Forest Conservation Activist Tasmania, Australia
Miriam Rothschild, Dame zoologist UK
Molly Morse Founder, Mango Materials, a company that uses bacteria to turn methane into biodegradable plastic. USA
MOLLY MORSE Mango Materials uses bacteria to turn methane into biopolymer granules in a cradle‐to‐cradle loop, using a patented process USA
Molly R. Gaskin  Trinidad Tobago
Monica Ralli eco-entrepreneur, author and social media maven USA
Monica Sjöö painter, writer and a radical anarcho/eco-feminist Sweden
Monika Hauser Italy
Mr. G. V. and Mrs. K. Karlekar 
Mugamir Eisa Khalifa  Sudan
Mukhtar Shakhanov  Kazakhstan
Nafisa Shah  Pakistan
Najib Saab  Lebanon
Nan Fairbrother English writer and lecturer, Landscape architect UK
Nance Klehm  Radical Ecologist, Landscape Designer, Artist, Writer USA
Nancy Jackson Executive Director - Climate & Energy Project (CEP) - The Land Institute USA
Nancy Knowlton Smithsonian Institution marine biologist  USA
Nancy Langrall senior policy advisor to US Senator Jack Reed of Rhode Island who chairs the Senate's Appropriations Subcommittee on Interior, Environment and Related Agencies, to effectively improve the quality of life in RI and to help protect and restore Narragansett Bay USA
Nancy Lee Nash  China
Nancy Pearlman  USA
Nancy Rabalais Marine Biologist, Gulf of Mexico, Her work was featured in the 2010 television documentary, Troubled Waters: A Mississippi River Story USA
Naomi Klein Canada
Naomi Oreskes 2011 Climate Change Communicator of the Year USA
Narmada Bachao Andolan India
Natalia Greene Coordinator of the Political Plurinationality and the Rights of Nature program at the Fundación Pachamama Ecuador
Natalie Merchant Singer, Activist, received the Keeper of the Catskills Award from Catskill Mountainkeeper USA
Ndyakira Amooti Uganda
Nell Newman established Newman's Own® Organics: The Second Generation® USA
Niki Goulandris  Greece
Nina Sicha Siren Gualinga  19 year old youth leader of the indigenous Sarayaku tribe Ecuador
Norma Kassi USA
Norma Torres Sanes Poet and activist, civil Disobedient fighting against US Navy bombing Vieques Puerto Rico
Normita Thongtham Thailand
Nyakima Gitiri Women's Group  Kenya
Nyamuniwa Nyamunda  Zimbabwe
Odigha Odigha Nigeria
Ogonnaya Dotson-Newman MPH, Director of Environmental Health at WE ACT for Environmental Justice USA
Ola Cassadore Davis elder of the San Carlos Apache Tribe, passed away at age 89, November, 25 2012 Native American, USA
Olga Speranskaya Russia
Olga Tsepilova
Olya Melen Ukraine
Omda Sabil 
Omda Sabil  Sudan
Oral Ataniyazova Uzbekistan
Orly Munzing Strolling of the Heifers executive director USA
Osamu Kobayashi  Japan
Osprey Orielle Lake Founder and President of the Women's Earth and Climate Caucus USA
Otil a Beluad  Palau
Paljor Dorje  Switzerland
Pam Alabaster L'Oreal VP of Sustainability USA
Parbati Baruah  Thailand
Parviez Hassan  Pakistan
Pat McCabe, Woman Stands Shining A Life-Bringer, Life-Bearer Mother, writer, artist, activist, speaker and cultural liason, her work is driven by the study of the Science of Right Relations. USA, Navajo
Patricia Gualinga Montalvo Kichwa leader from Sarayaku in the Amazon rainforest.  They are also known as the “Pueblo del Medio Dia,” or people of the Zenith, stemming from an ancient prophecy that Sarayaku would be a pillar of territorial, cultural, and spiritual defense, a beacon of light as strong as the noonday sun at its zenith. Ecuador
 Patty Murray (Senator D-WA) The Wilderness Society (TWS), Sierra Club honored her efforts to protect America’s wild places and green spaces USA
Peggy Liu
Peggy Oki Skateboarder and Surfer, celebrity environmentalist USA
Peggy Shepard Executive Director, West Harlem Environmental Action, Inc. USA
Perin Savakshaw Fitter Kenya
Petra Kelly founder, German Green Party Germany
Phaedra Ellis-Lamkins CEO of Green For All USA
Phyllis Cuttino director of Pew's Clean Energy Program USA
Phornthep Phornprapha  Thailand
Phra Ajahn Pongsak Tejadhammo  Thailand
Pisit Charnsnoh Thailand
Pisit Na Patalung  Thailand
Polly Dyer founded the the Cascade Chapter of the Sierra Club, the the North Cascade Conservation Council, served as a member of the Governor's Water Resources Forum and was instrumental in passing the Washington State Wilderness Act of 1984. USA
Pravit Tomyavit  Thailand
Purevjavyn Bayarsaikhan  Mongolia
Rachel Botsman  What’s Mine Is Yours USA
Rachel Carson Author, Marine Biologist, environmentalist USA
Rachel Corrie USA
Rachel LaForest Executive Director of Right to the City USA
Rajendra K. Pachauri  India
Ram Prit Yadav  Nepal
Rampa and Tom Hormel  USA
Ranjen Lalith Fernando  Sri Lanka
Rashida Bee Bhopal activist who has ignited the international campaign to seek justice for disaster survivors India
Rebecca Flora Executive Director -- Green Building Alliance USA
Rebecca Lawton Nature Writer USA
Rebecca Tarbotton executive director of the Rainforest Action Network USA
Reyam Al-Malikey L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Iraq
Rhea Jezer, Ph.D Senior Lecturer, Environmental Policy, Dept. of Environmental Studies, Cazenovia College USA
Riane Eisler Co Founder of the Center for Partnership Studies, a social scientist, attorney, and author USA
Richard and Rhoda Goldman  established the Goldman Environment Prize 
Riel Huaorani  Canada
Rigoberta Menchú Tum Nobel Peace Laureate Guatemala
Riki Ott Marine biologist, environmental activist and educator USA
Rita Barron  USA
Rita Miljo Founder African Primate Care South Africa
Robin Wilson eco-friendly interior designer USA
Romina Picolotti  Argentina’s Secretary of Environment
Rona Fried PhD, CEO,, Green Dream Jobs USA
Rosa Hilda Ramos Goldman Prize winner Puerto Rico
Rosamund Kidman Cox Editor, BBC Wildlife UK
Rose Cotta  Spain
Roselie Bertell  Cancer researcher Canada
Rosemary Olive Mbone Enie Geologist and Gender Ambassador with the Gender and Water Alliance (GWA) of the Netherlands Cameroon
Rosemary Radford Ruether
Rosina M. Bierbaum White House Office of Science and Technology Policy
Roula Angelakis-Malakis  Greece
Roz Savage ocean rower, campaigner, author and speaker UK
Ruth Manorama India
Ruth Patrick A true pioneer in the field of ecosystem science, Dr. Patrick dominates her field of limnology - the scientific study of freshwater rivers and lakes. Probably the world's leading authority on the ecology of rivers, she is an internationally recognized expert on river pollution. USA
Saenaua Women's Association  Solomon Islands
Safina Z. Siddiqi  Pakistan
Sahabat Alam
Sahitya Parishad
Sali Eiler USA
Sallie McFague ecofeminist theologian USA
Sally Bingham, the reverend Canon The Regeneration Project USA
Sally Jewell  President Recreational Equipment Inc USA
Salwa Osman Ebeid  First woman to be employed by agency that reforested Sudan Sudan
Sandra Ely Environment and Energy Policy Coordinator for New Mexico USA
Sandra Steingraber PhD, ecologist and outspoken environmentalist, author of five books addressing agricultural and industrial pollution and their devastating impact on health, is anti-fracking heroine USA
Sang-Hyun Kim  Korea
Sangduen “Lek” Chailert Time magazine named her one of “Asia’s Heroes” for her work as a humanitarian and conservationist.  Thailand
Sarah Cornell, PhD Research coordinator: Planetary boundaries at the Stockholm Resilience Centre USA
Sarah James USA
Satu Huttunen  Finland
Sawroop Krishna Sharma  India
Sayyid Shabib Bin Taimour  Oman
Sekkou Zouha  Morocco
Seub Nakhasathien   Thailand
Sharon Alpert Program Director for Environment, Surdna Foundation USA
Shecou-Bah Kabba  USA
Sheila Gwennifer Davis  New Zealand
Sheila Watt-Cloutier Canada
Shelley Fiddler USA
Sheri Liao environmental journalist and activist China
Sheri S. Tepper
Sherri W. Goodman U.S. Department of Defense
Shirin Ebadi Nobel Peace Prize winner
Shomb Sultan Khan Pakistan
Shuangliang Li  China
Sidrotun Naim L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows Indonesia
Sietz A. Leeflang  Netherlands
Sigourney Weaver Actress and Environmental Activist USA
Silas Kpanan’Ayoung Siakor Liberia
Sione Latuila Tongilava  Tonga
Siti Aminah  Indonesia
Sofia Gatica Argentina
Song Hak Yun  Korea
Sonia Hamel Massachusetts Office of Commonwealth Development USA
Sonia Regina de Brito Pereira  Brazil
Sook Pyo Kwon  Korea
Sophia Rabliauskas Canada
Sophia Wambui Kiarie  Kenya
Southern Women Against Toxins  USA
Stefanie Iris Weiss Author, Eco-Sex: Go Green Between the Sheets and Make Your Love Life Sustainable  USA
Stella Papasavva  The Sustainability Consortium 
Stephanie Danielle Roth Romania
Stephanie Kaza
Sue Clifford co-founded Common Ground, an organisation which campaigns to link nature with culture UK
Summer Rayne Oakes  model, celebrity activist, author, co-founder of Source4Style USA
Sunita Narain Ctr for Science and Environment India
Susan Anderson Director - Office of Sustainable Development, City of Portland
Susan Clark USA
Susan Freinkel Author, Plastic: A Toxic Love StoryUSA USA
Susan Griffin ecofeminist author USA
Susan J. Brown California Energy Commission
Susan Joy Hassol Director - Climate Communication USA
Susan Lakhan  West Indies
Susan Mahon  Barbados
Susan Rockefeller philanthropist, Oceana Board of Directors USA
Susan Seacrest Homemaker, Founder of the Groundwater Foundation USA
Susan Solomon Senior Scientist, NOAA, she helped determine what caused the hole in the ozone layer. USA
Suzan Baptiste United Nations Environment Programme inducted Ms. Baptiste into their Global 500 Roll of Honour for Environmental Achievement in 1993 Trinidad
Suzanne Lewis Superintendent, Yellowstone Natl Park USA
Syeda Rizwana Hasan Bangladesh
Sylvia Earle Celebrated Oceanographer USA
Sylvia McLaughlin Co-founder, Save the Bay USA
Ta'Kaiya Blaney 13-year old Sliammon youth, creator of Salish Sea Youth Foundation USA
Tara Lohan Environemntal Writer, AlterNet USA
 Theodora Stanwell-Fletcher, nature writer, Driftwood Valley  USA
T. Muller  Zimbabwe
Tabitha Crawford Principal, Rayan Solutions USA
Taisitiroo Satoo  Japan
Ta’Kaiya Blaney Sliammon First Nation, 13 yr old singer, songwriter, actress, environmental activist, Youth Ambassador for Earth B.C. Canada
Tamas Lantos  Hungary
Tan Meng Leng  Ozone Award
Tatyana Artyomkina Activist USSR
Tatyana Fyodorovna Stepanenko 
Tawakkol Karman Nobel Peace Laureate
Teresa Heinz Kerry Philanthropist, environmental supporter USA
Terri Swearingen USA
Terry Root, Dr. PhD biology, Stanford professor, IPCC contributor USA
Terry Tempest Williams Author specializing in environmental issues and natural history, and Conservationist USA
Theo Colborn, Dr. endocrine disruptor activist, author of Our Stolen Future and founder of The Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)  USA
Thuli Makama Swaziland
Tia Nelson The Nature Conservancy
Tiahoga Ruge  Mexico
Tina Woolston  Tufts University Office of Sustainability 
Trista Patterson Redesigns economic structures for better alignment w the planet's living systems. Economist. Founder @TEEB4me. Oxford Smith School Fellow. UK
Trudie Styler, Mrs. Sting Rainforest Foundation International UK
Tsetsegee Munkhbayar Mongolia
Tsevegyn Davaajamts  Mongolia
Tsitsi Vangili  Zimbabwe
Tuenjai Deetes Thailand
Ully Sigar  Indonesia
Ursula Sladek Germany
Usha Lee McFarling Altered Oceans
Val Plumwood
Valeriy Demyanenko  Ukraine
Valery P. Kukhar  Ukraine
Vandana Shiva prominent international environmental activist, physicist, feminist, philosopher of science, writer and science policy advocate  India
Veer Bhadra Mishra  India
Veit Koester  Denmark
Vera Mischenko Russia
Vereniging Ode Organisatie Voor Netherlands Netherlands
Verna Simpson 
Vikki Moore USA
Vicki Robin, coauthor of the international best seller,Your Money or Your Life (5 years on the Business Week list), is a leading voice for sustainable consumption.  USA
Victoria Husband  Canada
Victoria Sotiriadou  Greece
Vivian John Wilson  Zimbabwe
Vivian Wing-Wah Yam Laureate of the 13th Annual L’Oréal-UNESCO 2011 For Women in Science Awards China
Wadja Egnankou Ivory Coast
Wangari Maathai Nobel Peace prize winner. Environmental and political activist Kenya
Wendy James USA
Whina Cooper, Dame  championed protection of the environment among the Maori people in New Zealand New Zealand
Wilma Subra  USA
Winfried Lang 
Winona LaDuke  Anishinaabe Native American, Economist, activist, environmentalist, A graduate of Harvard and Antioch Universities with advanced degrees in rural economic development, LaDuke has devoted her life to protecting the lands and life ways of Native communities.  USA
Women Environment Preservation Committee - (WEPCO)  Nepal
Women of Mupata Village  Zimbabwe
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS) UK
Yolanda Kakabadse  Ecuador
Yongshun Ma  China
Yu Xiaogang China
Yung-Hee Rho  Korea
Yvonne Margarula Australia
Zoë Hilton L’Oréal-UNESCO International Fellows New Zealand
Zsuzsa Foltanyi  Hungary
Zulekha Ali  Pakistan