Friday, December 24, 2010

Green New Deal

Green Change has come up with a Green New Deal that encompassed all important aspects that need to be addressed right now. Here is a copy.

The Green New Deal is a program formulated to create economic prosperity together with ecological sustainability.

1) Cut military spending at least 70% (bring our boys home, stop being the world's policeman, transition to a military that builds, not destroys)
2) Create millions of green union jobs through massive public investment in renewable energy, mass transit and conservation;
3) Set ambitious, science-based greenhouse gas emission reduction targets, and enact a revenue-neutral carbon tax to meet them;
4) Establish single-payer "Medicare for all" health care;
5) Institute tuition-free public higher education;
6) Change trade agreements to improve labor, environmental, consumer, health and safety standards;
7) End counterproductive prohibition policies and legalize marijuana;
8) Enact tough limits on credit card interest and lending rates, progressive tax reform and strict financial regulation;
9) Amend the U.S. Constitution to abolish corporate personhood; and
10) Pass sweeping electoral, campaign finance and anti-corruption reforms.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Video sobre Aceite de Algas

Queridos amigos y co-religionarios de nuestra bella isla, saludos! Ya se habrán dado cuenta que de vez en cuando yo he posteado algo exhortando a que voten por mí en una competencia. A todos aquellos que ya han votado, se los agradezco de corazón. Para todos los demás, permítanme explicarles por que es tan importante hacer un documental de algas orgánicas en PR, y por ende, porque deberían votar por mí. El aceite de algas se puede usar tal como sale para generar electricidad en cuatro de las cinco plantas generatrices en la isla. Siendo una corporación local, los profits se quedarían en PR en vez de mandarse afuera. Siendo orgánica, no le hace daño al ambiente ni usa terrenos agrícolas, y de hecho, produce Tilapia y Camarones locales llenos de Aceite Omega 3 que es muy saludable. Ah! y también consume CO2 industrial que de otro modo escaparía a la atmosfera (zero footprint). Parte fundamental del business plan de Bio-Lipidos de Puerto Rico es crear enlaces con la comunidad y ayudar a la comunidad a desarrollarse sustentablemente, lo cual es un tipo de modelo de negocio poco visto en el mundo. Teniendo la isla los dones del sol y del viento (al presente muy caros en convertirse en energía usable y no duran 24/7, o sea que no son buenos candidatos para ser los únicos en generar electricidad), pero con ellos, tenemos la base para una energía eléctrica diversificada, que en un futuro podamos integrar con aceite de algas; porque siempre se va a necesitar energía en forma líquida para correr las generatrices si queremos evitar a corto plazo los gastos millonarios de cambiar la infraestructura existente. La competencia en la cual me encuentro es subvencionada por Brita Water Filters y el Sundance Institute, quien se encargaría de producir el corto-metraje del tema de las algas orgánicas. Esto es importante porque ya la mayoría de las corporaciones petroleras han invertido cientos de millones de dólares en compañías de algas genéticamente alteradas (lo cual les da un monopolio en el mercado al ser patentizadas). Hay que darnos cuenta de que no podemos seguir viviendo ni trabajando bajo los paradigmas antiguos. Ni hacerle daño al ambiente ni hacerle daño a la sociedad en general (usando modelos de negocios rapaces en vez de inclusivos). Es un empezar en limpio muy importante. Y si lo conseguimos, Puerto Rico puede ser el primer país en el mundo en ser autosustentable en energía limpia de algas. El cortometraje ayudaría a traer a la mesa la discusión de algas orgánicas como medio de generar electricidad que hasta ahora ha sido relegada a un lejano tercer lugar después del poder solar y del viento (y quinto lugar en la votación de esta competencia!). Necesitamos 100 o 200 más personas que voten diariamente para ver si llegamos en tercer lugar, porque solo los primeros tres puestos serán producidos en corto-metraje. Por favor voten por este film!!! Sinceramente es importantísimo! voten aqui:

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

A Conversation with a friend

Logan wrote: "Monica- there have been people looking at the world through rose colored glasses for a long time- has it worked yet? If you can think of a reason I am wrong, by all means let me know. But from what I can figure out, the green movement will make empire sustainable, not change the underlying power structure. I would love to be wrong, but I have been looking into this my entire adult life, and am hard pressed to find reason to think otherwise. Is there something i am missing?

"I am doing permaculture, I talk to people, and do networking etc, etc...nothing that I am doing, or anything anyone I know is doing, seem to affect the power structures that make it possible for the warmongers to rule, and continue to rule. It is not worthless, but that doesn't mean the eating healthy will stop the wars..."

And my answer

Logan, one of the reasons I am grateful that all the crises we now face (environmental, economic, social justice, political) have come all at once is that it forces us to realize that things are seriously wrong in all these areas, and that we have a chance to fix them in a holistic manner.

I greatly admire your permaculture choice, for you show the rest of us the way forward with it. But part of this new way of living demands we do not stop at individual actions (even if they are exemplary lifetime commitments).

You say you have networked and spoken to people and see no change. Believe me, I get that a lot. I’ve had fulfilling conversations with people that shared my vision, and utterly frustrating conversations with as many people that refused to believe the evidence I presented them. I sometimes walk away feeling there is no “net gain”.

Then I realized that what I was missing from this equation was a sense of community, and I’ll explain why. It’s much more difficult for a lone voice in the wilderness to change a person’s perspective. It is wholly another matter if an entire community (people you know and trust) not only makes you “walk the walk”, but takes the time to explain why it is important that you do so.

Industrialization gave millions of poor farmers an entry into a much better world (financial-, education-, health- and mass transportation– wise).

Unfortunately, it also destroyed communities and forced a type of individualism that has fragmented our society; it brought on the wide-spread environmental damage with which we suffer today; it abused people, places and resources for the benefit of a few; it concentrated wealth and corrupted our political process and our politicians; it gave rise to a massive military industrial complex that makes war a self-fulfilling prophecy and all the energy they expend on creating new weapons could in fact end up destroying us, along with many other injustices and tragedies.

Writers and philosophers from Emerson, Thoreau, Muir, and on down, have been decrying the negative aspects of industrialization practically since it began.

But society (us) chose to accept industrialization because people were able to see the immediate improvement in their circumstances and hoped for more progress for themselves and their families, even as they covered up the injustices to others.

I try not to judge, but when I must, I judge a person’s character by the integrity of his compromises. If a poor farmer decided to work in a paper mill so his children could go to school, I cannot fault him.

That is the insidiousness of the path we chose. Escaping monarchy and feudalism, our founding fathers chose democracy and capitalism, and almost instantly, there were men out to “game” the system. We did not have the tools to think about growing as a community, just as individuals.

Absent any better role models, 'wealth no matter the cost' became the overriding objective. Many businesses survived and prospered, expanded, proliferated, and merged with one another, and we taught the rest of the world how we had managed to attain inordinate individual wealth and comfort while downplaying the negatives, and keeping everybody happy with the palliative mantra that they too could reach for the brass ring if only they worked hard enough.

The Robber Barons are aptly named, because they brooked no obstacle in their rush to hegemony, and they set the standard. Unions and enlightened legislation stunted the trajectory briefly, only to have some industries supplanted by other, newer industries that also only lusted for market supremacy, and this time, had become experts at influencing government to fulfill their needs.

So now, five generations later, we find ourselves in a seriously damaged ecosystem, with an entrenched business class in a massive rush to consolidate power and wealth as petroleum starts its downward slide, with a deeply divided country that is too worried about where their next meal is going to come from to think long term.

Here’s what I think. All actions have a specific path which by their own nature, exclude other paths. While there is more than one way to reach a goal, once a person, a community, a state or a nation decide upon the path they are going to take, all other paths are sidelined. The opportunity to cross onto a new path is always there, but with each passing year, the inertia of the original path grows, and the distance between it and other paths becomes larger and harder to bridge.

So today we are faced with a military that has outposts in 160 countries and has millions of employees with families to support and suppliers that depend on them (not to mention the political relationships and responsibilities and dependencies we have built up with other less militarized countries); we have multinational corporations that pay the salaries of millions of people and act as rogue states (because they can), a political system that routinely undermines scientific data for short-term political gain and crony benefit; a widespread belief that social programs are left-wing socialist propaganda; economic policies crafted from ideological demagoguery that have proven in practice to be detrimental to the middle class and the poor, and to the world; a financial system that has surpassed any known limit of prudence and rationality (one hedge fund manager making $4 billion dollars in one year while 25 million lose their jobs: are you freaking kidding me?). And so on and so forth.

The truth is, the small to medium business sector cannot absorb any more employees, and in consolidating, multinationals rarely grow their employee rosters. From now on, most people that want good jobs are going to have to create them themselves: become entrepreneurs. And that is a long and risky process, and success is never assured.

So how do we turn this ship around? This society that for over a hundred years has been force-fed the notion that we must all become good employees, that we must all accept free market precepts, that the brass ring is there for the taking?

You do what you can, that’s what. And you never give up.

You’ve given your life to permaculture and networking. I’ve given my life to building a holistic approach to sustainable development (at the community, state, and national level from a business standpoint). We all do what we can with what we’ve been given.

As to your concern that environmentalists are simply making empire sustainable, I have a couple of thoughts. Globalization, as it is now practiced, will not survive Peak Oil. All this rush to “export, export, export” in the “free markets” will not survive Peak Oil.

In 100 years, the global business world will be smaller, and there will be many more small local businesses. But the demise of multinationals has its downside: What will we do with the millions of investors that rely on multinational dividends and pensions? What will the millions of employees that work for them, do? We know we must stop killing the Earth, but we don't have a clear picture of how to transition out of what we have become without some serious lifestyle and meta-economic compromises while facing much less comfort.

Business, like nature, has its own web of connections it has to feed. We were born just in time to ride the wave of cheap energy, and now it is our task to transition back into a local, organic, closed-loop economy as best we can. How do you tame a wild bull in a china shop, without breaking any china?

And that is the magnitude of the challenge. How do you wind down multinational corporations into more equitable, smaller pieces? How do you teach workers to survive in a world without really great salaries and much simpler, tougher lifestyles, but better community relations and support? How does every person become more self-reliant and self-sufficient, and at the same time, interdependent on his or her community for the things they cannot do by themselves? How can we manage this transition by educating everyone, getting everyone on the same page, as opposed to changing lifestyles by force, like we did with antebellum South and slavery?

How do you transition a military from a destructive to a proactive future? (it helps that the military realizes that they no longer just fight wars; it helps that they are driving alternative energy innovation; it helps that they are now charged with nation-building), but ultimately the military may have to realize that to best serve us they must become builders instead of destroyers. I don't know how that would work yet, but I know there are some smart guys on the ground working on it, and lots of people that are tired of seeing the young people of this country come back mangled and destroyed, sentenced to a lifetime of physical pain or incapacity.

Until the world gets back down to a population number that is closer to the earth's carrying capacity (around 1 billion people, down from the 8 billion we have now - and believe me, global warming is set to pummel us into THAT reality), until we get over this population explosion hump and this concentration of wealth hump, the transition is going to be a long and a very difficult one.

If we are lucky, we can all get on the same page and start saving the only ecosystem we have, and all other solutions will follow, and the movement will grow swiftly and organically. But that is what you'd call seeing things through pink-colored glasses, and you'd be right. We are up against fossil fuel interests shelling out hundreds of millions of dollars a year to delay or deny climate change, so that scenario has very little chance of happening.

Another possibility is we will grind this planet down to its meanest and least hospitable conditions, and either die off as a species or condemn a small population of future generations to a hunter-gatherer existence, where humanity can hopefully begin again, from scratch.

Or something in between can happen, keeping the best of what we know and reworking it into a regenerative economy. I do not know how all the crucial information we have learned will be passed down. If we lose power before we can transition to alternative energy, whole swathes of knowledge will be lost (so much of it is kept in electronic archives now). People will have to re-learn what they used to know, and what you do so well: how to grow their own food securely.

So I live my life as simply and ethically as I can, I work and study in ways that are going to help me reach my life goals, and I spend a considerable amount of time on the internet, disseminating news and information that I think is important, and having conversations like this one, with you.

Will I personally take down a multinational? No. Will I personally stop bad government, irrational financial institutions, and the military-industrial complex? No.

But by talking to others and framing the problem in broader terms, and choosing to act for long-term gain, I might create community, and from that community, good things can happen. It’s not that I am wearing pink-colored glasses, it’s that I refuse to wear dark ones. I choose to stay clear-eyed and positive and hope you will too. Because as long as I ave breat in my body, I refuse to believe that the darkness has won.

PS. Since I took some time to write my response, Logan and others have continued the conversation on Facebook, bringing up more good information which I have not included here.

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Avoiding Toxic Catastrophes

Thinking about the Gulf Oil Spill and how to avoid something like this from happening again, I had a thought, and would like your opinion on it.

What if 'we the people' demanded that the fossil fuel corporations involved in catastrophic toxic spills not only paid all damages and liabilities and specific employees were open to criminal charges, but also that after the cleanup the corporation itself would automatically lose their privilege to operate as a corporation (no more licenses for anything, or at least a moratorium that lasted as long as the effects of the spill were still evident in the environment). [Notice how I say fossil fuel companies: I am including coal and their toxic coal ash rivers.]

In the event of a toxic catastrophe, the corporations would have to clean up and pay damages, some people would go to jail, the corp. would take whatever profit was left over and disburse it to their shareholders, sell whatever land, machinery and material they had at auction, and dissolve the corporation.

My thinking is that the employee who was so worried that they were three weeks off schedule might not have insisted on shoddy procedures if he knew that the corporations involved (BP, Transocean, and Halliburton in this case) would all lose their business (and he his job) on his one decision. Nor would have the platform employees allowed him to do so, or followed his commands, for fear of losing theirs. And the planners and designers would not have allowed the rig to operate without a true cleanup plan that took into consideration even unthinkable scenarios, as this one is, for fear of being liable.

The first thing that would happen is that fossil fuel corporations would start making each well independent, thereby downsizing in fear of one well talking the whole company down. The original company might begin to charge the new independent wells a royalty fee and higher financing costs, but eventually Big Oil would become a series of service companies fed by thousands of small well owners.

The second thing fossil fuel corporations would do is have much better plans made up in case of an accident.

The third thing that would happen is that the fossil fuel corporations would invest much more heavily in non-toxic forms of fuel, specifically, oil from algae, which can be done in a certified organic way, if 'we the people' legislate now, from the beginning, that it should be so.

Doesn't this follow the Precautionary Principle beautifully? I am not saying stop oil drilling/ coal mining NOW (even though that would be the best for the environment). I am just saying BE ACCOUNTABLE if you mine for toxic materials. 60% of our population live in cities that have no way to power their livelihoods other than with current toxic methods. I am saying that needs to change, and the people with the money are the people with the toxic fossil fuels. We have to give them a good hard push in the direction they must go in, for they will not do it of themselves.

So I would like to hear from all my friends, especially the lawyers, what they think about my idea.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Key Points from US Climate Action Report

Key Points from US Climate Action Report

The U.S. Climate Action Report is one of the most significant documents on U.S. policy initiatives and actions to address climate change. It also provides a review of federal efforts “…to increase scientific understanding of climate change, and provide foreign assistance to help other nations mitigate and adapt to the effects of climate change.”
This is the fifth climate action report, which will be submitted by the U.S. government to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Secretariat. Below are highlights from the draft report, which is currently open for public comment. The findings of this draft report demonstrate the serious commitment and efforts by the U.S. government to better understand and raise awareness of climate change – and to identify actions needed to help mitigate its impacts. This document highlights the strong scientific foundation on which policy decisions are being made.We share these findings to help make this information more accessible to media, decision-makers and the public.
1. “Global warming is unequivocal and primarily human-induced.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“Global temperature has increased over the past 50 years. This observed increase is due primarily to human-induced emissions of heat-trapping gases.”
2. “Climate changes are underway in the United States and are projected to grow.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“The air and oceans are warming, mountain glaciers are disappearing, sea ice is shrinking, permafrost is thawing, the great land ice sheets on Greenland and Antarctica are showing signs of instability, and sea level is rising. The consequences for human well-being are already being felt: more heat waves, floods, droughts, and wildfires; tropical diseases reaching into the temperate zones; vast areas of forest destroyed by pest outbreaks linked to warming; alterations in patterns of rainfall on which agriculture depends; and coastal property increasingly at risk from the surging seas. All of these impacts are being experienced in the United States and globally” Chapter 8. pg. 121
3. “The impacts from climate change are very real and severe, and will impact our lives in countless ways.” Executive Summary pg. 7
“… the nation is increasingly vulnerable to current and projected [climate] changes.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“…key vulnerabilities [associated with climate change], include the potential for water scarcity, unreliable energy production and transmission, damage to transportation infrastructure, public health problems, damage to ecosystems, and catastrophic harm to coasts and coastal communities.” Executive Summary pg. 7
4. “Climate change will stress water resources.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“Drought, related to reduced precipitation, increased evaporation, and increased water loss from plants, is an important issue in many U.S. regions, especially in the West.”
“Floods, water quality problems, and impacts on aquatic ecosystems and species are likely to be amplified by climate change in most regions.”
5. “Crop and livestock production will be increasingly challenged.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“…increased heat, pests, water stress, diseases, and weather extremes will pose adaptation challenges for crop and livestock production.”
6. “Coastal areas are at increasing risk from sea level rise and storm surge.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“Sea level rise and storm surge place many U.S. coastal areas at increasing risk of erosion and flooding, especially along the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts… Energy and transportation infrastructure and other property in coastal areas are very likely to be adversely affected.”
7. “Threats to human health will increase.” Chapter 6, pg. 87
“Health impacts of climate change include heat stress, waterborne and foodborne diseases, poor air quality, extreme weather events, and diseases transmitted by insects and rodents.”
8. Climate change will interact with many social and environmental stresses. Chapter 6, pg. 87
“Climate change will combine with air and water pollution, population growth, over- use of resources, urbanization, and other social, economic, and environmental stresses to create larger impacts than from any of these factors alone.”
9. “Thresholds will be crossed, leading to large changes in climate and ecosystems.” Chapter 6, pg. 88
“With further climate change, the crossing of additional thresholds is expected.”
10. “Future climate change and its impacts depend on choices made today.” Chapter 6, pg. 88
“The latest and best scientific information forms the bedrock on which effective policy to combat and cope with climate change must be built.” Chapter 8, pg. 121
“It is critical that climate scientists and climate science agencies play a more active role in the dissemination of their findings. The public and students at all levels—in both formal and informal learning settings—must have access to climate data in ways that foster climate literacy and informed decision making.” Chapter 9 pg. 140
“…the nation has a considerable way to go in comprehending and realizing the implications of climate change.” Chapter 9, pg. 141
11. “Overall, total U.S. emissions rose by 17 percent from 1990 through 2007.” pg. 5
“…CO2 from fossil fuel combustion has accounted for approximately 79 percent of global warming potential-weighted emissions since 1990.”

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Climate Change Bibliography

Climate Change Bibliography from the American Institute of Physics by year
Spencer Weart

Unlike the bibliography by author, the following list includes works not used in the main text. Some are trivial, some are items I have not seen.

1784 Benjamin Franklin, "Meteorological Imaginations and Conjectures (Paper Read 1784)." Memoirs of the Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 2nd ed., 1789: 373-77. REPRINTED Weatherwise 35, 262 (1982).

1801William Herschel, "Observations Tending to Investigate the Nature of the Sun..." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London 265: 265-318.

1824 Joseph Fourier, "Remarques Générales Sur Les Températures Du Globe Terrestre Et Des Espaces Planétaires." Annales de Chemie et de Physique 27: 136-67.

1827 Joseph Fourier, "Mémoire Sur Les Températures Du Globe Terrestre Et Des Espaces Planétaires." Mémoires de l'Académie Royale des Sciences 7: 569-604.

1838 Pouillet, "Mémoire Sur La Chaleur Solaire..." Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Sciences 7: 24-65.

1844 J. Sparks, Life of Benjamin Franklin, Vol. 6. Boston: Tappan & Dennett.

1861 John Tyndall, "On the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gases and Vapours..." Philosophical Magazine ser. 4, 22: 169-94, 273-85.

1863 John Tyndall, "On Radiation through the Earth's Atmosphere." Philosophical Magazine ser. 4, 25: 200-206.

1863 John Tyndall, "On the Relation of Radiant Heat to Aqueous Vapor." Philosophical Magazine ser. 4, 26: 30-54.

1864 James Croll, "On the Physical Cause of the Change of Climate During Geological Epochs." Philosophical Magazine 28: 121-37.

1873 W. Köppen, "Uber Mehrjährige Perioden der Witterung, Insbesondere Über die 11jährige Periode der Temperatur." Zeitschrift der Osterreichischen Gesellschaft für Meteorologie 8: 241-48, 141-50.

1873 John Tyndall, Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat. New York: Appleton.

1873 John Tyndall, "Further Researches on the Absorption and Radiation of Heat by Gaseous Matter (1862)." In Contributions to Molecular Physics in the Domain of Radiant Heat pp. 69-121. New York: Appleton.

1875 James Croll, Climate and Time in Their Geological Relations. A Theory of Secular Changes of the Earth's Climate. New York: Appleton.

1876 J.J. Murphy, "The Glacial Climate and the Polar Ice-Cap." Quarterly J. Geological Society of London 32: 400-06.

1881 Franz von Czerney, Die Veränderlichkeit Des Klimas Und Ihre Ursachen. Vienna.

1884 S.P. Langley, "Researches on Solar Heat and Its Absorption by the Earth's Atmosphere: A Report of the Mount Whitney Expedition." Professional Papers of the Signal Service 15: 1-242.

1886 James Croll, Discussion on Climate and Cosmology. New York: Appleton.

1886 S.P. Langley, "Observations on Invisible Heat-Spectra and the Recognition of Hitherto Ummeasured Wave-Lengths, Made at the Alleghany Observatory." Philosophical Magazine 31: 394-409.

1888 George J. Symons, Ed. The Eruption of Krakatoa, and Subsequent Phenomena. Report of the Krakatoa Committee of the Royal Society. London: Trübner.

1890 Eduard Brückner, Klimaschwankungen Seit 1700, Nebst Bemerkungen Über Die Klimaschwankungen Der Diluvialzeit. Vienna: Hölzel

1890 Joseph Fourier, Oeuvres De Fourier, Edited by Gaston Darboux, Vol. 2. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

1890 E. Walter Maunder, "Professor Spoerer's Researches on Sun-Spots." Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 50: 251-52.

1894 Arvid Högbom, "Om Sannolikheten För Sekulära Förändringar I Atmosfärens Kolsyrehalt." Svensk kemisk Tidskrift 6: 169-77.

1895 Luigi De Marchi, Le Cause Dell'era Glaciale. Pavia: R. Istituto Lombardo.

1895 Eugene Dubois, The Climates of the Geological Past and Their Relation to the Evolution of the Sun. London: Sonnenschein.

1895 C.A. Young, The Sun. Akron, Ohio: Werner.

1896 Svante Arrhenius, "On the Influence of Carbonic Acid in the Air Upon the Temperature of the Ground." Philosophical Magazine 41: 237-76.

1897 Thomas C. Chamberlin, "A Group of Hypotheses Bearing on Climatic Changes." J. Geology 5(653-83).

1897 Edward Hull, "Another Possible Cause of the Glacial Epoch." Quarterly J. Geological Society of London 53: 107-08.

1898 Thomas C. Chamberlin, "The Influence of Great Epochs of Limestone Formation Upon the Constitution of the Atmosphere." J. Geology 6: 609-21.

1899 Christian Bohr, "Definition Und Methode Zur Bestimmung Der Invasions- Und Evasionscoefficienten Bei Der Auflösung Von Gasen in Flüssigkeiten..." Annalen der Physik und Chemie n.f. 68: 500-525.

1899 Thomas C. Chamberlin, "An Attempt to Frame a Working Hypothesis of the Cause of Glacial Periods on an Atmospheric Basis." J. Geology 7: 545-84, 667-85, 751-87.

1899 Cyrus F. Tolman, Jr., "The Carbon Dioxide of the Ocean and Its Relations to the Carbon Dioxide of the Atmosphere." J. Geology 7: 585-620.

1899 C. T. R. Wilson, "On the Condensation Nuclei Produced in Gases by the Action of Roentgen Rays, Uranium Rays, Ultra-Violet Light, and Other Agents." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London 64: 127-29.

1900 Knut Ångström, "Über Die Bedeutung Des Wasserdampfes Und Der Kohlensaüres Bei Der Absorption Der Erdatmosphäre." Annalen der Physik 4(3): 720-32.

1901 Svante Arrhenius, "Über Die Wärmeabsorption Durch Kohlensäure Und Ihren Einfluss Auf Die Temperatur Der Erdoberfläche." Förhandlingar Svenska Vetenskapsakademiens 58: 25-58.

1901 Nils Ekholm, "On the Variations of the Climate of the Geological and Historical Past and Their Causes." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 27: 1-61.

1901 F.W. Harmer, "The Influence of the Winds Upon Climate During the Pleistocene Epoch: A Palaeometeorological Explanation of Some Geological Problems." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 57: 405-78.

1901-1909 Albrecht Penck and Eduard Brückner, Die Alpen Im Eiszeitalter (3 Vols.). Leipzig: Tauchnitz.

1902 G. Andersson, "Hasseln I Sverige Fordom Och Nu." Sveriges Geoliska Undersökning, Afhand C2(3).

1903 Julius Hann, Handbook of Climatology. Translation of Handbuch Der Klimatologie, 2nd Ed. (1897). New York and London: Macmillan.

1905 Clemens Schaefer, "Über Das Ultrarote Absorptionsspektrum Der Kohlensaüre in Seiner Abhängigkeit Vom Druck." Annalen der Physik 16: 93-105.

1906 Thomas C. Chamberlin, "On a Possible Reversal of Deep-Sea Circulation and Its Influence on Geologic Climates." J. Geology 14: 363-73.

1907 Rudolph Spitaler, "Die Järlichen Und Periodischen Änderungen Der Wärmverteilung Auf Der Erdoberfläche Und Die Eiszeiten." Beiträge Geophysik 8: 565-602.

1908 Charles G. Abbot and F.E. Fowle, Jr., "Income and Outgo of Heat from the Earth, and the Dependence of Its Temperature Thereon." Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory (Smithsonian Institution, Washington DC) 2: 159-176.

1908 Svante Arrhenius, Worlds in the Making. New York: Harper & Brothers.

1908 J.W. Gregory, "Climatic Variations: Their Extent and Causes." Smithsonian Institution Annual Report: 339-54.

1909 R.W. Wood, "Note on Theory of the Greenhouse." Philosophical Magazine ser. 6 Vol. 17: 319-20.

1910 R. Sernander, "Die Schwedischen Torfmoore Als Zeugen Postglazialer Klimaschwankungen." In Die Veränderungen Des Klimas Seit Dem Maximum Der Letzten Eiszeit, edited by Stockholm International geological congress. 11th, 1910. Stockholm: Generalstabens litografiska anstalt.

1913 Charles G. Abbot and F.E. Fowle, Jr., "Volcanoes and Climate." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 60(29): 1-24.

1913 W.J. Humphreys, "Volcanic Dust and Other Factors in the Production of Climatic Changes, and Their Possible Relation to Ice Ages." J. Franklin Institute 176: 131-72.

1914 Ellsworth Huntington, "The Solar Hypothesis of Climate Changes." Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 25: 477-590.

1916 Ellsworth Huntington, Civilization and Climate. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

1917 W.H. Dines, "The Heat Balance of the Atmosphere." J. Royal Meteorological Society 43: 151-58.

1920 Frank Wigglesworth Clarke, The Data of Geochemistry. Washington, DC: Govt. Printing Office.

1920 W.J. Humphreys, Physics of the Air. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott.

1920 Milutin Milankovitch, Théorie Mathématique Des Phénomènes Thermiques Produits Par La Radiation Solaire. Paris: Gauthier-Villars.

1921 V. Bjerknes, "On the Dynamics of the Circular Vortex." Geofysiske Publikasioner 2(4): 1-88.

1921 A. Defant, "Die Zirkulation Der Atmosphäre in Den Gemässigsten Breiten Der Erde." Geografiska Annaler 3: 209-66.

1922 Anders Ångstrom, "Solar Constant, Sun-Spots, and Solar Activity." Astrophysical J. 55: 24-29.

1922 Anders Ångström, "Solar Constant, Sun-Spots and Solar Activity." Astrophysical J. 55: 24-29.

1922 C.E.P. Brooks, The Evolution of Climate. London: Benn (reprinted NY, AMS Press,1978).

1922 C.E.P. Brooks, "A Period of Warm Winters in Europe." Meteorological Magazine, June, pp. 203-05.

1922 Ellsworth Huntington and Steven Sargent Visher, Climatic Changes: Their Nature and Causes. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

1922 Lewis F. Richardson, Weather Prediction by Numerical Process. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (reprinted NY, Dover, 1965).

1923 J. Harlen Bretz, "The Channeled Scablands of the Columbia Plateau." J. Geology, Nov.-Dec.

1923 Thomas C. Chamberlin, "Study of the Fundamental Problems of Geology." Carnegie Institution Year Book 22: 325, 330-32.

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1923 Ellsworth Huntington, Earth and Sun. An Hypothesis of Weather and Sunspots. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press.

1924 W. Köppen and A. Wegener, Die Klimate Der Geologischen Vorzeit. Berlin: Borntraeger.

1924 Alfred J. Lotka, Elements of Physical Biology. Baltimore: Williams & Wilkins (reprinted as Elements of Mathematical Biology, NY, Dover,1956).

1924 V.I. Vernadsky, Studies in Geochemistry. Paris: ?

1925 C.E.P. Brooks, "The Problem of Mild Polar Climates." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 51: 83-94.

1925 F. W. Harmer, "Further Remark on the Meteorological Conditions of the Pleistocene Epoch." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 51: 247-59.

1926 C.E.P. Brooks, Climate through the Ages: A Study of the Climatic Factors and Their Variations. New York: R.V. Coleman.

1926 W.H. Hobbs, The Glacial Anticyclones: The Poles of the Atmospheric Circulation. New York: Macmillan.

1928 George C. Simpson, "Some Studies in Terrestrial Radiation." Memoirs of the Royal Meteorological Society 2(16): 69-95.

1928 George C. Simpson, "Further Studies in Terrestrial Radiation." Memoirs of the Royal Meteorological Society 3(21): 1-26.

1929 Anders Ångström, Geografiska Annaler 11: 156-.

1929 Wilmot H. Bradley, "The Varves and Climate of the Green River Epoch." U.S. Geological Survey Professional Papers 158E: 85-110.

1929 P. Lasareff, "Sur Une Méthode Permettant De Démontrer La Dépendance Des Courants Océaniques Des Vents Alizés Et Sur Le Rôle Des Courants Océaniques Dans Le Changement Du Climat Aux Époques Géologiques." Beiträge Geophysik 21: 215-33.

1929 George C. Simpson, "The Distribution of Terrestrial Radiation." Memoirs of the Royal Meteorological Society 23(23): 53-78.

1929 George C. Simpson, "Discussion of Memoirs." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 55: 73-79.

1930 Milutin Milankovitch, "Mathematische Klimalehre Und Astronomische Theorie Der Kilimaschwankungen." In Handbuch Der Klimatologie, edited by W. Köppen and R. Geiger, Vol. 1, Pt. A, pp. 1-176. Berlin: Borntraeger.

1931 E.O. Hulburt, "The Temperature of the Lower Atmosphere of the Earth." Physical Review 38: 1876-90.

1932 W.J. Humphreys, "This Cold, Cold World." Atlantic, Dec., pp. 749-54.

1932 P.E. Martin and E.F. Baker, "The Infrared Absorption Spectrum of Carbon Dioxide." Physical Review 41: 291-303.

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1932 Louis Russell Weber and H.M. Randall, "The Absorption Spectrum of Water Vapor Beyond 10µ." Physical Review 40: 835-47.

1933 William Morris Davis, "Climate Changes and the Last Glacial Period." Science Suppl., 10 March, p. 9.

1934 J.B. Kincer, "Is Our Climate Changing to Milder?" Scientific Monthly, July, pp. 59-62.

1934 George C. Simpson, "World Climate During the Quaternary Period." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 60: 425-71.

1935 V.A. Kostitzin, Evolution De L'atmosphère, Circulation Organique, Époques Glacières. Paris: Hermann.

1935 Fritz Möller, "Die Warmquellen in Der Freien Atmosphäre." Meteorologische Zeitschrift 52 L: 408-412.

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1935 E.P. Stebbing, "The Encroaching Sahara: The Threat to the West African Colonies." Geographical J. 85: 506-24.

1937 R. Scherhag, "Die Erwärmung Der Arktis." J. du Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer 12: 263-76.

1937 George C. Simpson, "Ice Ages." Proceedings of the Royal Institution of Great Britain 30: 125-142.

1938 G.S. Callendar, "The Artificial Production of Carbon Dioxide and Its Influence on Climate." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 64: 223-40.

1938 H. Korn, "Stratification and Absolute Time Ground Building..." Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geologie und Paläontologie 74A: 50-186.

1939 G.S. Callendar, "The Composition of the Atmosphere through the Ages." Meteorological Magazine 74: 33-39.

1939 F. Hoyle and R.A. Lyttleton, "The Effect of Interstellar Matter on Climatic Variation." Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society 35: 405-15.

1939 Time, "Warmer World." Time, 2 Jan., p. 27.

1939-40 George C. Simpson, "Probable Causes of Change in Climate and Their Limitations." Proceedings of the Linnaean Society of London 152: 190-219.

1940 G.S. Callendar, "Variations in the Amount of Carbon Dioxide in Different Air Currents." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 66: 395-400.

1940 W.J. Humphreys, Physics of the Air. New York: McGraw-Hill.

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1940 Rupert Wildt, "Note on the Surface Temperature of Venus." Astrophysical J. 91: 266-68.

1941 G.S. Callendar, "Infra-Red Absorption by Carbon Dioxide, with Special Reference to Atmospheric Radiation." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 67: 263-75.

1941 Milutin Milankovitch, Canon of Insolation and the Ice Age Problem. Belgrade: Koniglich Serbische Akademie.

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1941, rev. ed. 1947, 1960 Helmut E. Landsberg, Physical Climatology. State College, PA: Pennsylvania State College.

1942 Thomas A. Blair, Climatology, General and Regional. New York: Prentice-Hall.

1942 Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, et al., The Oceans, Their Physics, Chemistry, and General Biology. New York: Prentice-Hall.

1943 Glenn T. Trewartha, An Introduction to Weather and Climate. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1944 Bernhard Haurwitz and J.M. Austin, Climatology. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1945 Richard F. Flint and Herbert G. Dorsey, Jr., "Iowan and Tazewell Drifts and the North American Ice-Sheet." American J. Science 243: 627-36.

1945 V.I. Vernadsky, "The Biosphere and the Noösphere." American Scientist, Jan., pp. 1-12.

1946 Bernhard Haurwitz, "Relations between Solar Activity and the Lower Atmosphere." Transactions of the American Geophysical Union 27: 161-63.

1946 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Climate as a Natural Resource." Scientific Monthly, Oct., pp. 293-98.

1946 Willard F. Libby, "Atmospheric Helium Three and Radiocarbon from Cosmic Radiation." Physical Review 69: 671-72.

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1947 Kurt Himpel, "Ein Beitrag Zum Eiszeitproblem." Zeitschrift für Naturforschung 2a: 419-27.

1947 Harold C. Urey, "The Thermodynamic Properties of Isotopic Substances." J. Chemical Society 1947: 562-81.

1948 Hugh A. Brown, Popular Awakening Concerning the Impending Flood, Published by the author.

1948 G.N. Hutchinson, "Circular Causal Systems in Ecology." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 50: 221-46.

1948 M.V. Migeotte, "Spectroscopic Evidence of Methane in the Earth's Atmosphere." Physical Review 73: 519-20.

1948 Norbert Wiener, Cybernetics; or, Control and Communication in the Animal and the Machine. Cambridge, MA: Technology Press.

1949 J.R. Arnold and W.F. Libby, "Age Determinations by Radiocarbon Content: Checks with Samples of Known Age." Science 110: 678-80.

1949 C.E.P. Brooks, Climate through the Ages: A Study of the Climatic Factors and Their Variations (Rev. Ed.). London: Benn.

1949 G.S. Callendar, "Can Carbon Dioxide Influence Climate?" Weather 4: 310-14.

1949 Jule G. Charney and A. Eliassen, "A Numerical Method for Predicting the Perturbations of the Middle Latitude Westerlies." Tellus 1: 38-54.

1949 Jule G. Charney, "On a Physical Basis for Numerical Prediction of Large-Scale Motions in the Atmosphere." J. Meteorology 6: 371-85.

1949 Dave Fultz, "A Preliminary Report on Experiments with Thermally Produced Lateral Mixing in a Rotating Hemispheric Shell of Liquid." J. Meteorology 6: 17-33.

1949 Donald H. Menzel, Our Sun. Philadelphia: Blakiston.

1949 H.C. Willett, "Long-Period Fluctuations of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere." J. Meteorology 6(34-50).

1950 Albert Abarbanel and Thomas McCluskey, "Is the World Getting Warmer?" Saturday Evening Post, 1 July, pp. 22-23, 57-63.

1950 Bert Bolin, "On the Influence of the Earth's Orography on the General Character of the Westerlies." Tellus 2: 184-95.

1950 C.E.P. Brooks, "Selective Annotated Bibliography on Climatic Changes." Meteorological Abstracts and Bibliography 1(4): 446-75.

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1950 Jule G. Charney, et al., "Numerical Integration of the Barotropic Vorticity Equation." Tellus 2: 237-54.

1950 R. Coughlan, "That Infernal Weather." Life, 31 July, pp. 74-76+.

1950 George H.T. Kimble, "Changing Climate." Scientific American, April, pp. 48-53.

1950 Leo Lysgaard, "On the Present Climatic Variation." In Royal Meteorological Society Centenary Proceedings pp. 206-11. London: Royal Meteorological Society.

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1950 Harold C. Urey, et al., "Paleotemperatures of the Upper Cretaceous." Science 111: 462-63.

1950 H.C. Willett, "Temperature Trends of the Past Century." In Royal Meteorological Society Centenary Proceedings pp. 195-206. London: Royal Meteorological Society.

1951 C.E.P. Brooks, "Geological and Historical Aspects of Climatic Change." In Compendium of Meteorology, edited by Thomas F. Malone, pp. 1004-18. Boston: American Meteorological Association.

1951 R.M. Goody and G.D. Robinson, "Radiation in the Troposphere and Lower Stratosphere." Reviews of Modern Meteorology 77: 131-87.

1951 J. Laurence Kulp, et al., "Lamont Natural Radiocarbon Measurements, I." Science 114: 565-568.

1951 Willard F. Libby, Radiocarbon Dating. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

1951 Thomas F. Malone, Ed. Compendium of Meteorology. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.

1951 Fritz Möller, "Long-Wave Radiation." In Compendium of Meteorology, edited by Thomas F. Malone, pp. 34-49. Boston, MA: American Meteorological Society.

1951 Norman A. Phillips, "A Simple Three-Dimensional Model for the Study of Large-Scale Extra-Tropical Flow Patterns." J. Meteorology 8: 381-94.

1951 William W. Rubey, "Geologic History of Sea Water: An Attempt to State the Problem." Bulletin of the Geological Society of America 62: 1111-48.

1951 Time, "Retreat of the Cold." Time, 29 Oct., p. 76.

1952 H.W. Ahlmann, "Glacier Variations and Climatic Fluctuations." Bowman Memorial Lectures, American Geographical Society Ser. 3, no. 1.

1952 Bert Bolin, "Studies of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere." Advances in Geophysics 1: 87-118.

1952 Dave Fultz, "On the Possibility of Experimental Models of the Polar-Front Wave." J. Meteorology 9: 379-84.

1952 Christian E. Junge, "Die Konstitution Des Atmosphärischen Aerosols." Annalen der Meteorologie: 1-55.

1952 Lewis D. Kaplan, "On the Pressure Dependence of Radiative Heat Transfer in the Atmosphere." J. Meteorology 9: 1-12.

1952 G.P. Kuiper, Ed. The Atmospheres of the Earth and Planets. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1952 Roger Revelle and Arthur E. Maxwell, "Heat Flow through the Floor of the Eastern North Pacific Ocean." Nature 170: 199-200.

1952 Science Newsletter, Science Newsletter 61(7 June): 537.

1952 Nina A. Stepanova, "A Selective Annotated Bibliography of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere." Meteorological Abstracts 3: 137-170.

1952 Harry Wexler, "Volcanoes and World Climate." Scientific American, April, pp. 74-80.

1953 William Joseph Baxter, Today's Revolution in Weather. New York: International Economic Research Bureau.

1953 Carleton S. Coon, "Climate and Race." In Climatic Change, edited by Harlow Shapley, pp. 13-34. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1953 Leonard Engel, "The Weather Is Really Changing." New York Times Magazine, 12 July, p. 7ff.

1953 F.K. Hare, The Restless Atmosphere. London: Hutchinson.

1953 R. Hide, "Some Experiments on Thermal Convection in a Rotating Liquid." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 79: 161.

1953 Max Krook, "Interstellar Matter and the Solar Constant." In Climatic Change. Evidence, Causes, and Effects, edited by Harlow Shapley, pp. 143-46. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1953 Gerard P Kuiper, Ed. The Sun. The Solar System Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1953 J. Laurence Kulp, "Carbon-14 Measurements on Geological Samples." Atomics, April, pp. 96-98.

1953 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., "On the Causes of Instrumentally Observed Secular Temperature Trends." J. Meteorology 10: 244-61.

1953 Newsweek, "Notes of the Week." Newsweek, 18 May, p. 75.

1953 Paul B. Sears, "Climate and Civilization." In Climatic Change, edited by Harlow Shapley, pp. 35-50. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1953 Harlow Shapley, Ed. Climatic Change. Evidence, Causes, and Effects. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1953 V.N. Smith, "A Recording Infrared Analyzer." Instruments 26: 421-27.

1953 Hans E. Suess, "Natural Radiocarbon and the Rate of Exchange of Carbon Dioxide between the Atmosphere and the Sea." In Nuclear Processes in Geologic Settings, edited by National Research Council Committee on Nuclear Science, pp. 52-56. Washington, D. C.: National Academy of Sciences.

1953 United States, Department of Commerce, Advisory Committee on Weather Services, Weather Is the Nation's Business. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

1953 A.J.J. van Woerkom, "The Astronomical Theory of Climate Change." In Climatic Change, edited by Harlow Shapley, pp. 147-57. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1953 Harry Wexler, "Radiation Balance of the Earth as a Factor in Climatic Change." In Climatic Change, edited by Harlow Shapley, pp. 73-105. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.

1954 L.B. Aldrich and W.H. Hoover, Annals of the Astrophysical Observatory, Smithsonian Institution 7: 1-184.

1954 Francis Bello, "Climate: The Heat May Be Off." Fortune, Aug., p. 108ff.

1954 Harrison Brown, The Challenge of Man's Future. New York: Viking.

1954 Harmon Craig, "Carbon 13 in Plants and the Relationship between Carbon 13 and Carbon 14 Variations in Nature." J. Geology 62: 115-49.

1954 W. Dansgaard, "The O18 Abundance in Fresh Water." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 6: 241-60.

1954 A. Nelson Dingle, "The Carbon Dioxide Exchange between the North Atlantic Ocean and the Atmosphere." Tellus 6: 342-350.

1954 Erik Eriksson, "Report on an Informal Conference in Atmospheric Chemistry Held at the Meteorological Institute, University of Stockholm, May 24-26, 1954." Tellus 6: 302-07.

1954 Henry G. Houghton, "On the Annual Heat Balance of the Northern Hemisphere." J. Meteorology 11: 1-9.

1954 G.E. Hutchinson, "The Biochemistry of the Terrestrial Atmosphere." In The Earth as a Planet, edited by G. Kuiper, pp. chapter 8. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

1954 I.S. Silberman, "Planetary Waves in the Atmosphere." J. Meteorology 11: 27-34.

1954 Hans E. Suess, "Natural Radiocarbon Measurements by Acetylene Counting." Science 120: 5-7.

1954 University of Stockholm T.I.o.M. Staff Members, "Results of Forecasting with the Barotropic Model on an Electronic Computer (Besk)." Tellus 6: 139-49.

1954 K. Telegdas and J. London, "A Physical Model of the Northern Hemisphere Troposphere for Winter and Summer." New York, New York University. Science Report 1

1954 L.V. Worthington, "A Preliminary Note on Th Time Scale in North Atlantic Circulation." Deep-Sea Research 1: 244-51.

1955 P. Bergthorsson, et al., "Routine Forecasting with the Barotropic Model." Tellus 7: 272-76.

1955 C.E.P. Brooks, "Present Position of Theories of Climatic Change." Meteorological Magazine, June, pp. 204-06.

1955 A. P. Crary, et al., "Evidences of Climate Change from Ice Island Studies." Science 122: 1171-73.

1955 Cesare Emiliani, "Pleistocene Temperatures." J. Geology 63: 538-78.

1955 Cesare Emiliani, "Pleistocene Temperature Variations in the Mediterranean." Quaternaria 2: 87-98.

1955 David B. Ericson, et al., "Coiling Direction of Globorotalia Truncatulinoides in Deep-Sea Cores." Deep Sea Research 2: 152-58.

1955 Richard F. Flint, "Rates of Advance and Retreat of the Margin of the Late-Wisconsin Ice Sheet." American J. Science 253: 249-55.

1955 Stig Fonselius, et al., "Microdetermination of CO2 in the Air, with Current Data for Scandinavia." Tellus 7: 258-65.

1955 H.W. Harvey, The Chemistry and Fertility of Sea Water. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1955 Helmut E. Landsberg, "The Climate of Towns." In Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth, edited by William L. Thomas, Jr. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1955 Willard F. Libby, Radiocarbon Dating. Chicago: Chicago University Press.

1955 D. Justin Schove, "The Sunspot Cycle, 649 B.C. To A.D. 2000." J. Geophysical Research 60: 127-45.

1955 Giles Slocum, "Has the Amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere Changed Significantly since the Beginning of the Twentieth Century?" Monthly Weather Review, Oct., pp. 225-31.

1955 Hans E. Suess, "Radiocarbon Concentration in Modern Wood." Science 122: 415-17.

1955 William L. Thomas, Jr., Man's Role in Changing the Face of the Earth. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1955 Immanuel Velikovsky, Earth in Upheaval. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

1955 John von Neumann, "Can We Survive Technology?" Fortune, June, pp. 106-108, 151-52.

1956 Cesare Emiliani, "Note on Absolute Chronology of Human Evolution." Science 123: 924-26.

1956 David B. Ericson, et al., "Late-Pleistocene Climates and Deep-Sea Sediments." Science 124: 385-89.

1956 Erik Eriksson and Pierre Welander, "On a Mathematical Model of the Carbon Cycle in Nature." Tellus 8: 155-75.

1956 Maurice Ewing and William L. Donn, "A Theory of Ice Ages." Science 123: 1061-65.

1956 Maurice Ewing and William L. Donn, In Polar Wandering and Continental Drift pp. 94-99. Tulsa, OK: Society of Economic Paleontologists and Mineralogists.

1956 Alan J. Faller, "A Demonstration of Fronts and Frontal Waves in Atmospheric Models." J. Meteorology 13: 1-4.

1956 Stig Fonselius, et al., "Carbon Dioxide Variations in the Atmosphere." Tellus 8: 176-83.

1956 Norman A. Phillips, "The General Circulation of the Atmosphere: A Numerical Experiment." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 82: 123-64.

1956 G.N. Plass, "The Carbon Dioxide Theory of Climatic Change." Tellus 8: 140-54.

1956 G.N. Plass, "The Influence of the 15µ Band on the Atmospheric Infra-Red Cooling Rate." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 82: 310-29.

1956 G.N. Plass, "Infrared Radiation in the Atmosphere." American J. Physics 24: 303-21.

1956 G.N. Plass, "Carbon Dioxide and the Climate." American Scientist 44: 302-16.

1956 G.N. Plass, "Effect of Carbon Dioxide Variations on Climate." American J. Physics 24: 376-87.

1956 Roger Revelle and K.O. Emery, "Chemical Erosion of Beach Rock and Exposed Reef Rock". La Jolla, CA, Scripps Institution of Oceanography Contribution: 666-709 New series, no. 930

1956 Jhan and June Robbins, "100 Years of Warmer Weather." Science Digest, Feb., pp. 82-85.

1956 C.-G. Rossby, "Aktuella Meteorologiska Problem." Svensk Naturvetenskap: 15-80.

1956 Science Newsletter, Science Newsletter 61(30 June): 402.

1956 Hans E. Suess, "Absolute Chronology of the Last Glaciation." Science 123: 355-57.

1956 Time, "One Big Greenhouse." Time, 28 May, p. 59.

1956 Harry Wexler, "Variations in Insolation, General Circulation and Climate." Tellus 8: 480-94.

1956 Norbert Wiener, "Nonlinear Prediction and Dynamics." In Proceedings of the Third Berkeley Symposium on Mathematical Statistics and Probability, edited by Jerzey Neyman, Vol. 3, pp. 247-52. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1956 Norbert Wiener, I Am a Mathematician, the Later Life of a Prodigy. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

1957 Giorgio Abetti, The Sun. New York: Macmillan.

1957 James R. Arnold and Ernest C. Anderson, "The Distribution of Carbon-14 in Nature." Tellus 9: 28-32.

1957 G. W. Barendsen, et al., "Yale Natural Radiocarbon Measurements III." Science 126: 908-19.

1957 Wallace S. Broecker, "Application of Radiocarbon to Oceanography and Climate Chronology." PhD Thesis, Columbia University, New York.

1957 J. Gordon Cook, Our Astonishing Atmosphere. New York: Dial.

1957 Harmon Craig, "The Natural Distribution of Radiocarbon and the Exchange Times of CO2 between Atmosphere and Sea." Tellus 9: 1-17.

1957 Harmon Craig, Ed. Proceedings. Conference on Recent Research in Climatology, Scripps Institution of Oceanography, La Jolla, California, March 25-26, 1957. La Jolla, CA: University of California Water Resurces Center, Contribution no. 8.

1957 G.E.R. Deacon, "The Oceans." In The Earth and Its Atmosphere, edited by D.R. Bates, pp. 74-87. New York: Basic Books.

1957 E.T. Eady, "Climate." In The Earth and Its Atmosphere, edited by D.R. Bates, pp. 113-29. New York: Basic Books.

1957 Arnt Eliassen and Ernst Kleinschmidt, "Dynamic Meteorology." In Geophysik II (Vol. 48 of Handbuch Der Physik), edited by J. Bartels, pp. 1-154. Berlin: Springer.

1957 Cesare Emiliani, "Temperature and Age Analysis of Deep-Sea Cores." Science 125: 383-87.

1957 J. D. Ives, "Glaciation of the Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador." Arctic 10: 67-87.

1957 J. Mason, "Meteorology." In The Earth and Its Atmosphere, edited by D.R. Bates, pp. 174-203. New York: Basic Books.

1957 Fritz Möller, "Strahlung in Der Unteren Atmosphäre." In Geophysik II (Vol. 48 of Handbuch Der Physik), edited by J. Bartels, pp. 155-253. Berlin: Springer.

1957 K.O. Münnich, "Heidelberg Natural Radiocarbon Measurements I." Science 126: 194-99.

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1957 National Research Council, Committee on Effects of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries of the National Academy of Sciences, Study of the Biological Effects of Atomic Radiation, The Effects of Atomic Radiation on Oceanography and Fisheries. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council Publication 551.

1957 Ernst J. Öpik, "Ice Ages." In The Earth and Its Atmosphere, edited by D.R. Bates, pp. 152-73. New York: Basic Books.

1957 Roger Revelle and Hans E. Suess, "Carbon Dioxide Exchange between Atmosphere and Ocean and the Question of an Increase of Atmospheric CO2 During the Past Decades." Tellus 9: 18-27.

1957 Roger Revelle and Rhodes Fairbridge, "Carbonates and Carbon Dioxide." Memoirs of the Geological Society of America 67:1: 239-95.

1957 I.I. Schell, "Theory of Ice Ages (Letter)." Science 125: 235.

1957 Harald Ulrik Sverdrup, "Oceanography." In Geophysik II (Vol. 48 of Handbuch Der Physik), edited by J. Bartels, pp. 608-70. Berlin: Springer.

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1958 G.S. Callendar, "On the Amount of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere." Tellus 10: 243-48.

1958 H. L. de Vries, "Variation in Concentration of Radiocarbon with Time and Location on Earth." Proceedings Koninlijke Nederlandse Akademie Wetenschappen B, 61: 94-102.

1958 Cesare Emiliani, "Pleistocene Temperatures." J. Geology 66: 264-.

1958 Cesare Emiliani, "Ancient Temperatures." Scientific American, Feb., pp. 54-63.

1958 Maurice Ewing and William L. Donn, "A Theory of Ice Ages, II." Science 127: 1159-62.

1958 Betty Friedan, "The Coming Ice Age." Harper's, Sept., pp. 39-45.

1958 Charles H. Hapgood, Earth's Shifting Crust: A Key to Some Basic Problems of Earth Science. New York: Pantheon.

1958 J. D. Ives, "Glacial Geomorphology of the Torngat Mountains, Northern Labrador." Geographical Bulletin (Canada) 17: 47-75.

1958 Christian E. Junge, "Atmospheric Chemistry." Advances in Geophysics 4: 1-106.

1958 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Trends in Climatology." Science 128: 749-58.

1958 Y. Mintz, "Design of Some Numerical General Circulation Experiments." Bulletin of the Research Council of Israel 76: 67-114.

1958 Ernst J. Öpik, "Climate and the Changing Sun." Scientific American, June, pp. 85-92.

1958 Alfred C. Redfield, "The Biological Control of Chemical Factors in the Environment." American Scientist 46: 205-21.

1959 Bert Bolin and E. Eriksson, Eds. The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion: Scientific Contributions to the Rossby Memorial Volume. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1959 Bert Bolin and Erik Eriksson, "Changes in the Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere and Sea Due to Fossil Fuel Combustion." In The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion, edited by Bert Bolin, pp. 130-42. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1959 J.R. Bray, "An Analysis of the Possible Recent Change in Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration." Tellus 11: 220-30.

1959 Horace R. Byers, "Carl-Gustaf Rossby, the Organizer." In The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion, edited by Bert Bolin, pp. 56-59. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1959 Sydney Chapman, Igy: Year of Discovery. The Story of the International Geophysical Year. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

1959 Cesare Emiliani and Johannes Geiss, "On Glaciations and Their Causes." Geologisches Rundschau 46: 576-601.

1959 Dave Fultz, et al., "Studies of Thermal Convection in a Rotating Cylinder with Some Implications for Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions." Meteorological Monographs 4: 1-104.

1959 K. Hinkelmann, "Ein Numerisches Experiment Mit Den Primitiven Gleichungen." In The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion: Scientific Contributions to the Rossby Memorial Volume, edited by B. Bolin and E. Eriksson, pp. 486-500. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1959 Lewis D. Kaplan, "Inference of Atmospheric Structure from Remote Radiation Measurements." Journal of the Optical Society of America 49: 1004-7.

1959 Hubert H. Lamb, "Our Changing Climate, Past and Present (Address to BAAS)." Weather, Oct., pp. 299-318 (reprinted in Lamb, Changing Climate, pp. 1-20).

1959 A.M. Matthews, "The Earth's Carbon Cycle." New Scientist, 8 Oct., pp. 644-46.

1959 E.P. Ney, "Cosmic Radiation and the Weather." Nature 183: 451-52.

1959 J. F. Nye, "The Motion of Ice Sheets and Glaciers." J. Glaciology 3: 493-.

1959 Norman A. Phillips, "An Example of Non-Linear Computational Instability." In The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion, edited by Bert Bolin, pp. 501-04. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1959 G.N. Plass, "Carbon Dioxide and Climate." Scientific American, July, pp. 41-47.

1959 C.-G. Rossby, "Current Problems in Meteorology." In The Atmosphere and the Sea in Motion, edited by Bert Bolin, pp. 9-50. New York: Rockefeller Institute Press.

1960 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Evidence for an Abrupt Change in Climate Close to 11,000 Years Ago." American J. Science 258: 429-48.

1960 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Natural Radiocarbon in the Atlantic Ocean." J. Geophysical Research 65: 2903-31.

1960 Ferdinand Colón, The Life of the Admiral Christopher Columbus, by His Son, Ferdinand. London: Folio Society.

1960 Robert C. Cowen, Frontiers of the Sea: The Story of Oceanographic Exploration. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

1960 J. Georgi, "Flugzeug-Kondensfahne Erzeugt Ausgedehntes Wolkenfeld." Zeitschrift für Meteorologie 14: 102.

1960 Lewis D. Kaplan, "The Influence of Carbon Dioxide Variation on the Atmospheric Heat Balance." Tellus 12: 204-208.

1960 Charles D. Keeling, "The Concentration and Isotopic Abundances of Carbon Dioxide in the Atmosphere." Tellus 12: 200-203.

1960 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Notes on the Recent Climatic Fluctuation in the United States." J. Geophysical Research 65: 1519-25.

1960 Edward N. Lorenz, "Energy and Numerical Weather Prediction." Tellus 12: 364-73.

1960 J.F. Nye, "The Response of Glaciers and Ice-Sheets to Seasonal and Climatic Changes." Proceedings of the Royal Society of London A256: 559-84.

1960 G.W. Platzman, "The Spectral Form of the Vorticity Equation." J. Meteorology 17: 653-44.

1960 N. Rusin and L. Flit, Man Versus Climate. Moscow: Peace.

1960 Carl Sagan, "The Radiation Balance of Venus". Pasadena, CA, California Institute of Technology, Jet Propulsion Laboratory: 34 pp. Technical Report no. 32-34

1960 Carl Sagan, "The Surface Temperature of Venus (Abstract)." Astronomical J. 65: 352-53.

1960 Henry Stommel and A.B. Arons, "On the Absyssal Circulation of the World Ocean, II. An Idealized Model of the Circulation Pattern and Amplitude in the Oceanic Basins." Deep Sea Research 6: 217-33.

1961 Mikhail I. Budyko, Heat and Water Balance Theory of the Earth's Surface... And the Problem of the Transformation of Nature. Water-Heat Balance Symposium of the 3rd Congress of the Geographical Society of the USSR.

1961 G.S. Callendar, "Temperature Fluctuations and Trends over the Earth." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 87: 1-12.

1961 Gerald P. Kuiper and Barbara M. Middlehurst, Eds. Planets and Satellites. The Solar System Vol. 3. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1961 Cornell H. Mayer, "Radio Emission of the Moon and Planets." In Planets and Satellites, edited by Gerald P. Kuiper and Barbara M. Middlehurst, The Solar System, Vol. 3, pp. 442-72. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1961 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., "Recent Secular Changes of Global Temperature." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 95: 235-50.

1961 G.N. Plass and L.D. Kaplan, "Exchange of Letters." Tellus 13: 296-302.

1961 Carl Sagan, "The Planet Venus." Science 133: 849-58.

1961 Henry Stommel, "Thermohaline Convection with Two Stable Regimes of Flow." Tellus 13: 224-30.

1961 Minze Stuiver, "Variations in Radiocarbon Concentration and Sunspot Activity." J. Geophysical Research 66: 273 -76.

1961 Walter Sullivan, Assault on the Unknown: The International Geophysical Year. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1961 Johannes Weertman, "The Stability of Ice-Age Ice Sheets." J. Geophysical Research 66: 3783-92.

1961 R.G. West, "Late- and Postglacial Vegetational History in Wisconsin, Particularly Changes Associated with the Valders Readvance." American J. Science 259: 766-83.

1962 P. M. Borisov, "The Problem of the Fundamental Amelioration of Climate." Izvestia Vses. Geogr. Obshchestva (Voronezh) 94: 304-318.

1962 Mikhail I. Budyko, "Some Ways of Influencing the Climate. (in Russian)." Meteorologiia I Gidrologiia 2: 3-8.

1962 E. K. Fedorov, "Modifications of Meteorological Processes." Izvestia 9.

1962 John T. Hollin, "On the Glacial History of Antarctica." J. Glaciology 4: 173-95.

1962 J. D. Ives, "Indications of Recent Extensive Glacierization in Northcentral Baffin Island, NWT." J. Glaciology 4: 197-205.

1962 George H. T. Kimble, "But Somebody Does Something About It." New York Times Magazine, 8 July, p. 11 ff.

1962 Thomas S. Kuhn, The Structure of Scientific Revolutions. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1962 Gordon de Q. Robin, "The Ice of the Antarctic." Scientific American, Sept., pp. 132-46.

1962 P.A. Sheppard, "Properties and Processes at the Earth's Surface in Relation to the General Circulation of the Atmosphere." Advances in Geophysics 9: 77-96.

1963 Bert Bolin and C.D. Keeling, "Large-Scale Atmospheric Mixing as Deduced from the Seasonal and Meridional Variations of Carbon Dioxide." J. Geophysical Research 68: 3899-3920.

1963 The Conservation Foundation, Implications of Rising Carbon Dioxide Content of the Atmosphere. New York: The Conservation Foundation.

1963 Tadashiro Koyama, "Gaseous Metabolism in Lake Sediments and Paddy Soils and the Production of Atmospheric Methane and Hydrogen." J. Geophysical Research 68: 3971-73.

1963 Willard F. Libby, "Accuracy of Radiocarbon Dates." Science 140: 278-80.

1963 R.E. Lingenfelter, "Production of Carbon-14 by Cosmic-Ray Neutrons." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 1: 35-55.

1963 Edward N. Lorenz, "Deterministic Nonperiodic Flow." J. Atmospheric Sciences 20: 130-41.

1963 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., "On the World-Wide Pattern of Secular Temperature Change." In Changes of Climate. Proceedings of the Rome Symposium Organized by UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization, 1961 (UNESCO Arid Zone Research Series, 20) pp. 161-81. Paris: UNESCO.

1963 Fritz Möller, "On the Influence of Changes in the CO2 Concentration in Air on the Radiation Balance of the Earth's Surface and on the Climate." J. Geophysical Research 68: 3877-86.

1963 Jerome Namias, "Large-Scale Air-Sea Interactions over the North Pacific from Summer 1962 through the Subsequent Winter." J. Geophysical Research 68: 6171-6186.

1963 A.C. Redfield, et al., "The Influence of Organisms on the Composition of Seawater." In The Sea, edited by M.N. Hill. New York: Wiley.

1963 M. Schwarzbach, Climates of the Past. London: Van Nostrand.

1963 Joseph Smagorinsky, "General Circulation Experiments with the Primitive Equations. I. The Basic Experiment." Monthly Weather Review 41: 99-164.

1963 R. C. Sutcliffe, "Theories of Recent Changes of Climate." In Changes of Climate. Proceedings of the Rome Symposium Organized by UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization, 1961 (UNESCO Arid Zone Research Series, 20) pp. 277-280. Paris: UNESCO.

1963 C.C. Wallén, "Aims and Methods in Studies of Climatic Fluctuations." In Changes of Climate. Proceedings of the Rome Symposium Organized by UNESCO and the World Meteorological Organization, 1961 (UNESCO Arid Zone Research Series, 20) pp. 467-73. Paris: UNESCO.

1964 Paul A. Colinvaux, "Origin of Ice Ages: Pollen Evidence from Arctic Alaska." Science 145: 707-08.

1964 W. Dansgaard, "Stable Isotopes in Precipitation." Tellus 16: 436-68.

1964 David B. Ericson and Goesta Wollin, The Deep and the Past. New York: Knopf.

1964 Knot Faegri, et al., Textbook of Pollen Analysis. New York: Hafner.

1964 N.A. Fuchs, The Mechanics of Aerosols. Oxford: Pergamon.

1964 Dave Fultz, et al., "Experimental Investigations of the Spectrum of Thermal Convective Motions in a Rotating Annulus". Chicago, Dept. of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago. Article 2B, Final Report, Contract AF 19(604)-8361

1964 Thomas Gold, "Outgassing Processes on the Moon and Venus." In The Origin and Evolution of Atmospheres and Oceans, edited by Peter J. Brancazio and A. G. W. Cameron, pp. 249-65. New York: Wiley.

1964 W.B. Harland, "Critical Evidence for a Great Infra-Cambrian Glaciation." Geologisches Rundschau 54: 45-61.

1964 Edward N. Lorenz, "The Problem of Deducing the Climate from the Governing Equations." Tellus 16: 1-11.

1964 Syukuro Manabe and Robert F. Strickler, "Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with Convective Adjustment." J. Atmospheric Sciences 21: 361-85.

1964 Roger Revelle, "A Long View from the Beach." New Scientist, 20 Feb., pp. 485-87.

1964 Gordon de Q. Robin and Raymond J. Adie, "The Ice Cover." In Antarctic Research. A Review of British Scientific Achievement in Antarctica, edited by Raymond Priestley et al., pp. 100-117. London: Butterworths.

1964 Johannes Weertman, "Rate of Growth or Shrinkage of Nonequilibrium Ice Sheets." J. Glaciology 38: 145-58.

1964 Alex T. Wilson, "Origin of Ice Ages: An Ice Shelf Theory for Pleistocene Glaciation." Nature 201: 147-49.

1965 (Obituary), "Mr. G.S. Callendar." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 91: 112.

1965 Julian Adem, "Experiments Aiming at Monthly and Seasonal Numerical Weather Prediction." Monthly Weather Review 93: 495-503.

1965 David A. Barreis and Reid A. Bryson, "Climatic Episodes and the Dating of the Mississippian Cultures." Wisconsin Archeologist, Dec., pp. 203-20.

1965 M. R. Bloch, "A Hypothesis for the Change of Ocean Levels Depending on the Albedo of the Polar Ice Caps." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 1: 127-42.

1965 M. R. Bloch, "A Hypothesis for the Change of Ocean Levels Depending on the Albedo of the Polar Ice Caps." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 1: 127-42.

1965 E. Fermi, et al., "Studies of Non Linear Problems (Los Alamos Document La-1940, May 1955)." In Enrico Fermi, Collected Papers. Vol. 2, United States 1939-1954, edited by H. Amaldi et al., pp. 978-88. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1965 John T. Hollin, "Wilson's Theory of Ice Ages." Nature 208: 12-16.

1965 C.E. Leith, "Numerical Simulation of the Earth's Atmosphere." In Methods in Computational Physics, edited by B. Alder et al., pp. 1-28. New York: Academic Press.

1965 Edward N. Lorenz, "A Study of the Predictability of 28-Variable Atmospheric Model." Tellus 17: 321-333.

1965 Syukuro Manabe, et al., "Simulated Climatology of General Circulation with a Hydrologic Cycle." Monthly Weather Review 93: 769-98.

1965 Yale Mintz, "Very Long-Term Global Integration of the Primitive Equations of Atmospheric Motion." In WMO-IUGG Symposium on Research and Development Aspects of Long-Range Forecasting, Boulder, Colo., 1964. (WMO Technical Note No. 66), edited by World Meteorological Organization, Also published in American Meteorological Society Monographs 8 (1968): 20-36, pp. 141-55). Geneva: World Meteorological Organization.

1965 Ernst J. Öpik, "Climatic Change in Cosmic Perspective." Icarus 4: 289-307.

1965 President's Science Advisory Committee, Restoring the Quality of Our Environment. Report of the Environmental Pollution Panel. Washington, DC: The White House.

1965 William D. Sellers, Physical Climatology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

1965 Nicholas J. Shackleton, "The High-Precision Isotopic Analysis of Oxygen and Carbon in Carbon Dioxide." J. Scientific Instruments 42: 689-92.

1965 Geoffrey Skirrow, "The Dissolved Gases -- Carbon Dioxide." In Chemical Oceanography, edited by John P. Riley and Geoffrey Skirrow, pp. 227-322. London: Academic Press.

1965 Joseph Smagorinsky, et al., "Numerical Results from a Nine-Level General Circulation Model of the Atmosphere." Monthly Weather Review 93: 727-68.

1965 Minze Stuiver, "Carbon-14 Content of 18th- and 19th-Century Wood Variations Correlated with Sunspot Activity." Science 149: 533-34.

1965 Hans E. Suess, "Secular Variations of the Cosmic-Ray-Produced Carbon-14 in the Atmosphere and Their Interpretation." J. Geophysical Research 70: 5937-52.

1966 I. Adabashev, Global Engineering. Moscow: Progress.

1966 Akio Arakawa, "Computational Design for Long-Term Numerical Integration of the Equations of Fluid Motion: Two-Dimensional Incompressible Flow. Part I." J. Computational Physics 1: 119-43 (reprinted J. Comp. Phys. (1997) 135:103-14).

1966 J. Bjerknes, "A Possible Response of the Atmospheric Hadley Circulation to Equatorial Anomalies of Ocean Temperature." Tellus 18: 820-29.

1966 G.J. Bowen, "Oxygen Isotopes as Climatic Indicators." Earth-Science Reviews 2: 199-224.

1966 Wallace S. Broecker, "Absolute Dating and the Astronomical Theory of Glaciation." Science 151: 299-304.

1966 John H. Conover, "Anomalous Cloud Lines." J. Atmospheric Sciences 23: 778-85.

1966 W.L. Donn and D.M. Shaw, "The Heat Budgets of an Ice-Free and Ice-Covered Arctic Ocean." J. Geophysical Research 71: 1087-93.

1966 O. A. Drozdov, "On the Variation of Precipitation over the Northern Hemisphere with Variation of the Temperature of the Polar Basin (in Russian)." Trudy Glavnoi Geofizicheskoi Observatorii (Leningrad) 138: 3-16.

1966 Cesare Emiliani, "Paleotemperature Analysis of Caribbean Cores... And a Generalized Temperature Curve for the Past 425,000 Years." J. Geology 74: 109-125.

1966 Cesare Emiliani, "Isotopic Paleotemperatures." Science 154: 851-57.

1966 J. O. Fletcher, Ed. Symposium on the Arctic Heat Budget and Atmospheric Circulation. Proceedings. Santa Monica, CA: RAND Corp.

1966 W. Gleissberg, J. British Astronomical Association 76: 265-.

1966 E. B. Kraus and Edward N. Lorenz, "Numerical Experiments with Large-Scale Seasonal Forcing." J. Atmospheric Sciences 23: 3-12.

1966 Hubert H. Lamb, The Changing Climate: Selected Papers. London.

1966 Hubert H. Lamb, "Britain's Climate in the Past, Address to BAAS, 1964." In The Changing Climate. Selected Papers pp. 170-95. London.

1966 A.A. Manten, "Half a Century of Modern Palynology." Earth-Science Reviews 2: 277-316.

1966 Walter D. Munk, "Abyssal Recipes." Deep-Sea Research 13: 707-30.

1966 National Academy of Sciences, Committee on Atmospheric Sciences, Panel on Weather and Climate Modification, Weather and Climate Modification: Problems and Prospects (2 Vols.). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

1966 L.R. Rakipova, "Climate Change When Influencing the Arctic Basin (in Russian)." Meteorologiia I Gidrologiia 9: 9.

1966 Roger Revelle, "The Role of the Oceans." Saturday Review, 7 May, p. 41?

1966 Minze Stuiver and Hans E. Suess, "On the Relationship between Radiocarbon Dates and True Sample Ages." Radiocarbon 8: 534-40.

1966 Alex T. Wilson, "Variation in Solar Insolation to the South Polar Region as a Trigger Which Induces Instability in the Antarctic Ice Sheet." Nature 210: 477-78.

1967 Charles G. Abbot, "Precipitation in Five Continents." Smithsonian Miscellaneous Collections 151(5).

1967 Reid A. Bryson, "Is Man Changing the Climate of the Earth?" Saturday Review, 1 April, pp. 52-55.

1967 Horst Dronia, "Der Stadteinfluss Auf Den Weltweiten Temperaturtrend." Meteorologische Abhandlungen 74(4): 1-65.

1967 Clarence J. Glacken, Traces on the Rhodian Shore. Nature and Culture in Western Thought from Ancient Times to the End of the Eighteenth Century. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1967 Dian R. Hitchcock and James E. Lovelock, "Life Detection by Atmospheric Analysis." Icarus 7: 149-59.

1967 J. Houtermans, et al., "Effect of Industrial Fuel Combustion on the Carbon-14 Level of Atmospheric CO2." In Radioactive Dating and Methods of Low-Level Counting. Proceeedings of a Symposium, Monaco, 1967 pp. 57-68. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.

1967 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Two Centuries of New England Climate." Weatherwise, April, pp. 52-57.

1967 Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie, Histoire Du Climat Depuis L'an Mil. Paris: Flammarion.

1967 Willard F. Libby, "History of Radiocarbon Dating." In Radioactive Dating and Methods of Low-Level Counting. Proceeedings of a Symposium, Monaco, 1967 pp. 3-25. Vienna: International Atomic Energy Agency.

1967 Edward N. Lorenz, The Nature and Theory of the General Circulation of the Atmosphere. Geneva: World Meteorological Organization.

1967 Syukuro Manabe and Richard T. Wetherald, "Thermal Equilibrium of the Atmosphere with a Given Distribution of Relative Humidity." J. Atmospheric Sciences 24: 241-59.

1967 Robert A. McCormick and John H. Ludwig, "Climate Modification by Atmospheric Aerosols." Science 156: 1358-59.

1967 William Paddock and P. Paddock, Famine -- 1975! Boston: Little, Brown.

1967 Walter Orr Roberts, "Climate Control." Physics Today, Aug., pp. 30-36.

1967 G.D. Robinson, "Some Current Projects for Global Meteorological Observation and Experiment." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 98: 409-18.

1967 Nicholas J. Shackleton, "Oxygen Isotope Analyses and Pleistocene Temperatures Re-Assessed." Nature 215: 15-17.

1968 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Milankovitch Hypothesis Supported by Precise Dating of Coral Reef and Deep-Sea Sediments." Science 159: 297-300.

1968 Wallace S. Broecker, "In Defense of the Astronomical Theory of Glaciation." Meteorological Monographs 8(30): 139-41.

1968 Kirk Bryan and Michael D. Cox, "A Nonlinear Model of an Ocean Driven by Wind and Differential Heating. Parts I and II." J. Atmospheric Sciences 25: 945-78.

1968 Reid A. Bryson, "'All Other Factors Being Constant...' a Reconciliation of Several Theories of Climate Change." Weatherwise 21: 56-61ff.

1968 Reid A. Bryson and David A. Barreis, "Climatic Change and the Mill Creek Culture of Iowa." J. Iowa Archeological Society 15-16: 1-358.

1968 Mikhail I. Budyko, "On the Origin of Glacial Epochs [in Russian]." Meteorologiia I Gidrologiia 11.

1968 David B. Ericson and Goesta Wollin, "Pleistocene Climates and Chronology in Deep-Sea Sediments." Science 162: 1227-34.

1968 Erik Eriksson, "Air-Ocean-Icecap Interactions in Relations to Climatic Fluctuations and Glaciation Cycles." Meteorological Monographs 8: 68-92.

1968 Edward N. Lorenz, "Climatic Determinism (1965 Boulder Address, Also in Mitchell, Ed., Causes of Climate.)." Meteorological Monographs 8: 1-3.

1968 J.H. Mercer, "Antarctic Ice and Sangamon Sea Level." In International Association of Scientific Hydrology, Commission of Snow and Ice, General Assembly of Bern, Publ. No. 79 pp. 217-25. Bern.

1968 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., "Causes of Climatic Change. (Proceedings, VII Congress, International Union for Quaternary Research, Vol. 5, 1965)." Meteorological Monographs 8(30).

1968 A.J. Robert, "The Integration of a Spectral Model of the Atmosphere by the Implicit Method." In WMO IUGG Symposium on Numerical Weather Prediction, edited by World Meteorological Organization and International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, Vol. 7, pp. 9-24. Tokyo, Japan: Meteorological Society of Japan.

1968 G.R. Rumney, Climatology and the World's Climate. London: Macmillan.

1968 R.N. Smith, et al., Detection and Measurement of Infra-Red Radiation. Oxford: Clarendon.

1968 Hans E. Suess, "Climatic Changes, Solar Activity, and the Cosmic-Ray Production Rate of Natural Radiocarbon (in Mitchell, Ed., Causes of Climate Change, 1965 Conf.)." Meteorological Monographs 8(30): 146-50.

1968 Peter K. Weyl, "The Role of the Oceans in Climatic Change: A Theory of the Ice Ages." Meteorological Monographs 8: 37-62.

1968 L.V. Worthington, "Genesis and Evolution of Water Masses." Meteorological Monographs 8: 63-67.

1969 G.L. Atkins, Multicompartment Models for Biological Systems. London: Methuen.

1969 Jacob Bjerknes, "Atmospheric Teleconnections from the Equatorial Pacific." Monthly Weather Review 97: 163-72.

1969 Kirk Bryan, "Climate and the Ocean Circulation. III. The Ocean Model." Monthly Weather Review 97: 806-27.

1969 Kirk Bryan, "A Numerical Method for the Study of the Circulation of the World Ocean." J. Computational Physics 4: 347-76.

1969 Mikhail I. Budyko, "The Effect of Solar Radiation Variations on the Climate of the Earth." Tellus 21: 611-19.

1969 Engineering and Resources Commission on Marine Science, Our Nation and the Sea. A Plan for National Action. Washington, DC: United States Government Printing Office (online at

1969 W. Dansgaard and Henrik Tauber, "Glacier Oxygen-18 Content and Pleistocene Ocean Temperatures." Science 166: 499-502.

1969 W. Dansgaard, et al., "One Thousand Centuries of Climatic Record from Camp Century on the Greenland Ice Sheet." Science 166: 377-81.

1969 Cesare Emiliani, "Interglacial High Sea Levels and the Control of Greenland Ice by the Precession of the Equinoxes." Science 166: 1503-04.

1969 E.C. Flowers, et al., "Atmospheric Turbidity over the United States, 1961-1966." J. Applied Meteorology 8: 955-62.

1969 Andrew P. Ingersoll, "The Runaway Greenhouse: A History of Water on Venus." J. Atmospheric Sciences 26: 1191-98.

1969 Hubert H. Lamb, "Climatic Fluctuations." In General Climatology, edited by H. Flohn, World Survey of Climatology, Vol. 2, pp. 173-247. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

1969 W.E. Langlois and H.C.W. Kwok, "Description of the Mintz-Arakawa Numerical General Circulation Model". Los Angeles, Dept. of Meteorology, University of California at Los Angeles

1969 Syukuro Manabe and Kirk Bryan, "Climate Calculations with a Combined Ocean-Atmosphere Model." J. Atmospheric Sciences 26: 786-89.

1969 Syukuro Manabe, "Climate and the Ocean Circulation. I. The Atmospheric Circulation and the Hydrology of the Earth's Surface. II. The Atmospheric Circulation and the Effect of Heat Transfer by Ocean Currents." Monthly Weather Review 97: 739-74, 775-805.

1969 J.H. Mercer, "The Allerød Oscillation: A European Climatic Anomaly?" Arctic and Alpine Research 1: 227-34.

1969 K.J. Mesolella, et al., "The Astronomical Theory of Climate Change: Barbados Data." J. Geology 77: 250-74.

1969 William D. Sellers, "A Global Climatic Model Based on the Energy Balance of the Earth-Atmosphere System." J. Applied Meteorology 8: 392-400.

1969 D.Q Wark and D.T. Hilleary, "Atmospheric Temperature: Successful Test of Remote Probing." Science 165: 1256-58.

1969 Alex T. Wilson, "The Climatic Effects of Large-Scale Surges of Ice Sheets." Canadian J. Earth Sciences 6: 911-18.

1969 Roger Zelazny, Damnation Alley. New York: Putnam.

1970 Akio Arakawa, "Numerical Simulation of Large-Scale Atmospheric Motions." In Numerical Solution of Field Problems in Continuum Physics (SIAM-AMS Conference) Vol. 2, pp. 24-40. Providence, RI: American Mathematical Society.

1970 Anders Ångström, "Apparent Solar Constant Variations and Their Relation to the Variability of Atmospheric Transmission." Tellus 22(2): 205-18.

1970 Bert Bolin, "The Carbon Cycle." Scientific American, Sept., pp. 125-32.

1970 Wallace S. Broecker and Jan van Donk, "Insolation Changes, Ice Volumes and the O18 Record in Deep-Sea Cores." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 8: 169-98.

1970 Reid A. Bryson, et al., "The Character of Late-Glacial and Postglacial Climatic Changes (Symposium, 1968)." In Pleistocene and Recent Environments of the Central Great Plains (University of Kansas Department of Geology, Special Publication), edited by Wakefield Dort, Jr. and J. Knox Jones, Jr., Vol. 3, pp. 53-74. Lawrence, Kan.: University of Kansas Press.

1970 Reid A. Bryson and Wayne M. Wendland, "Climatic Effects of Atmospheric Pollution." In Global Effects of Environmental Pollution, edited by S. F. Singer, pp. 130-38. New York: Springer-Verlag.

1970 William E. Cobb and Howard J. Wells, "The Electrical Conductivity of Ocean Air and Its Correlation to Global Atmospheric Pollution." J. Atmospheric Sciences 27: 814-19.

1970 Paul J. Crutzen, "The Influence of Nitrogen Oxides on the Atmospheric Ozone Content." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 96: 320-25.

1970 C.N. Davies, "Editorial." J. Aerosol Science 1: 1.

1970 E. Eliasen, et al., On a Numerical Method for Integration of the Hydrodynamical Equations with a Spectral Representation of the Horizontal Fields. Copenhagen: Institut for Teoretisk Meteorologi, Köbenhavns Universitet.

1970 Samuel Epstein, et al., "Antarctic Ice Sheet: Stable Isotope Analyses of Byrd Station Cores and Interhemispheric Climatic Implications." Science 168: 1570-72.

1970 Frank Graham, Jr., Since Silent Spring. Boston: Houghton Mifflin.

1970 J.S.A. Green, "Transfer Properties of the Large Scale Eddies and the General Circulation of the Atmosphere." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 96: 157-85.

1970 Peter V. Hobbs, et al., "Cloud Condensation Nuclei from Industrial Sources and Their Apparent Influence on Precipitation in Washington State." J. Atmospheric Sciences 27: 81-89.

1970 S.J. Johnsen, et al., "Climatic Oscillations 1200-2000 A.D." Nature 227: 482-83.

1970 Kirill Ya. Kondratyev and G.A. Nikolsky, "Solar Radiation and Solar Activity." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 96: 509-22.

1970 Imre Lakatos, "Falsification and the Methodology of Scientific Research Programmes." In Criticism and the Growth of Knowledge, edited by Imre Lakatos and Alan Musgrave, pp. 91-196. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1970 Hubert H. Lamb, "Volcanic Dust in the Atmosphere; with a Chronology and Assessment of Its Meteorological Significance." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London A266: 425-533.

1970 Hubert H. Lamb and Alastair Woodroffe, "Atmospheric Circulation During the Last Ice Age." Quaternary Research 1: 29-58.

1970 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Man-Made Climatic Changes." Science 170: 1265-74.

1970 Edward N. Lorenz, "Climate Change as a Mathematical Problem." J. Applied Meteorology 9: 325-29.

1970 J.H. Mercer and C. Emiliani, "Antarctic Ice and Interglacial High Sea Levels (Exchange of Letters)." Science 168: 1605-06.

1970 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., "A Preliminary Evaluation of Atmospheric Pollution as a Cause of the Global Temperature Fluctuation of the Past Century." In Global Effects of Environmental Pollution, edited by S. Fred Singer, pp. 139-55. New York: Springer-Verlag.

1970 S.A. Orszag, "Transform Method for Calculation of Vector-Coupled Sums: Application to the Spectral Form of the Vorticity Equation." J. Atmospheric Sciences 27: 890-95.

1970 R.R. Rapp, "Climate Modification and National Security". Santa Monica, CA, Rand Corporation. Paper P-4476

1970 S. Ichtiaque Rasool and Catheryn de Bergh, "The Runaway Greenhouse and the Accumulation of CO2 in the Venus Atmosphere." Nature 226: 1037-39.

1970 (Study of Critical Environmental Problems) SCEP, Man's Impact on the Global Environment. Assessment and Recommendation for Action. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1970 S. Fred Singer, Global Effects of Environmental Pollution. New York: Springer-Verlag.

1970 Joseph Smagorinsky, "Numerical Simulation of the Global Circulation." In Global Circulation of the Atmosphere, edited by G.A. Corby, pp. 24-41. London: Royal Meteorological Society.

1970 Henry Stommel, "Future Prospects for Physical Oceanography." Science 168: 1531-38.

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1971 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Carbon Dioxide -- Man's Unseen Artifact." In Impingement of Man on the Oceans, edited by Donald W. Hood, pp. 287-324. New York: Wiley-International.

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1976 Johannes Weertman, "Milankovitch Solar Radiation Variations and Ice Age Ice Sheet Sizes." Nature 261: 17-20.

1976 Johannes Weertman, "Glaciology's Grand Unsolved Problem." Nature 260: 284-86.

1976 Richard Wolkomir, "Is a New Ice Age Coming?" Saturday Evening Post, March, pp. 50-51,78.

1976, 2nd ed. 1989 Richard Dawkins, The Selfish Gene. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

1977 P.H. Abelson, "Energy and Climate." Science 197: 941.

1977 Neil R. Anderson and Alexander Malahoff, Eds. The Fate of Fossil Fuel CO2 in the Oceans. New York: Plenum.

1977 A.L. Berger, "Support for the Astronomical Theory of Climate Change." Nature 269: 44-45.

1977 Bert Bolin, "Changes of Land Biota and Their Importance for the Carbon Cycle." Science 196: 613-15.

1977 Reid A. Bryson and Thomas J. Murray, Climates of Hunger: Mankind and the World's Changing Weather. Madison: University of Wisconsin Press.

1977 Mikhail I. Budyko, Climatic Changes. Translation of Izmeniia Klimata (Leningrad: Gidrometeoizdat, 1974). Washington, DC: American Geophysical Union.

1977 Business Week, "CO2 Pollution May Change the Fuel Mix." Business Week, 8 Aug., p. 25.

1977 G. Russell Coope, "Fossil Coleopteran Assemblages as Sensitive Indicators of Climatic Changes During the Devensian (Last) Cold Stage." Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B280: 313-40.

1977 Jack A. Eddy, "The Case of the Missing Sunspots." Scientific American, May, pp. 80-92.

1977 Jack A. Eddy, "Climate and the Changing Sun." Climatic Change 1: 173-90.

1977 Jack A. Eddy, "Historical Evidence for the Existence of the Solar Cycle." In The Solar Output and Its Variation, edited by Oran R. White, pp. 51-71. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press.

1977 Paul R. Ehrlich, et al., Ecoscience: Population, Resources, Environment. San Francisco: W.H. Freeman.

1977 D.L. Evans and H.J. Freeland, "Letter (with Reply)." Science 198: 528-30.

1977 C. Fröhlich, "Contemporary Measures of the Solar Constant." In The Solar Output and Its Variation, edited by Oran R. White. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press.

1977 Michael H. Glantz, "Nine Fallacies of Natural Disaster: The Case of the Sahel." Climatic Change 1: 69-84.

1977 T.J. Hughes, et al., "Was There a Late-Würm Arctic Ice Sheet?" Nature 266: 596-602.

1977 T.J. Hughes, "West Antarctic Ice Streams." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 15: 1-46.

1977 Sherwood B. Idso and Anthony J. Brazel, "Planetary Radiation Balance as a Function of Atmospheric Dust: Climatological Consequences." Science 198: 731-33.

1977 Impact Team, The Weather Conspiracy : The Coming of the New Ice Age. New York: Ballantine Books.

1977 Richard A. Kerr, "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: Carbon Budget Still Unbalanced." Science 197: 1352-53.

1977 Hubert H. Lamb, Climatic History and the Future. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

1977 Larry Laudan, Progress and Its Problems. Towards a Theory of Scientific Growth. Berkeley: University of California Press.

1977 M.S. Lian and R.D. Cess, "Energy Balance Climate Models: A Reappraisal of Ice-Albedo Feedback." J. Atmospheric Sciences 38: 1058-62.

1977 Syukuro Manabe and Douglas F. Hahn, "Simulation of the Tropical Climate of an Ice Age." J. Geophysical Research 82: 3889-3911.

1977 Cesare Marchetti, "On Geoengineering and the CO2 Problem." Climatic Change 1: 59-68.

1977 B.J. Mason, "Has the Weather Gone Mad?" The New Republic, 30 July, pp. 21-23.

1977 Samuel W. Matthews, "What's Happening to Our Climate?" Readers' Digest, March, pp. 88-92.

1977 Richard D. McIver, "Hydrates of Natural Gas--Important Agent in Geological Processes (Abstract)." Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs 9: 1089-90.

1977 National Academy of Sciences, Geophysics Research Board, Energy and Climate: Studies in Geophysics. Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

1977 Harvey Maurice Sachs, et al., "Paleoecological Transfer Functions." Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences 5: 159-78.

1977 Science News, "DOE Sets Interagency CO2 Research Priorities." Science News, 3 Dec., p. 375.

1977 Nicholas J. Shackleton, "Carbon-13 in Uvigerina: Tropical Rainforest History and the Equatorial Pacific Carbonate Dissolution Cycles." In The Fate of Fossil Fuel CO2 in the Oceans, edited by N.R. Anderson and A. Malahoff. New York: Plenum.

1977 Werner Stumm, Ed. Global Chemical Cycles and Their Alterations by Man (Report of Dahlem Workshop, Berlin, Nov. 1976). Physical and Chemical Sciences Research Reports Vol. 2. Berlin: Abakon.

1977 Sean A. Twomey, "The Influence of Pollution on the Shortwave Albedo of Clouds." J. Atmospheric Sciences 34: 1149-52.

1977 Sean A. Twomey, Atmospheric Aerosols. Amsterdam: Elsevier.

1977 Sean A. Twomey, "The Effect of Cloud Scattering on the Absorption of Solar Radiation by Atmospheric Dust." J. Atmospheric Sciences 29: 1156-59.

1977 U.S. News & World Report, "Is Energy Use Overheating the World?" U.S. News & World Report, 25 July.

1977 United States Congress, Senate (95:1), Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, Subcommittee on Science, Technology and Space, The National Climate Program Act: Hearings. Washington, DC: U.S. Government Printing Office.

1977 Oran R. White, Ed. The Solar Output and Its Variation. Boulder, CO: Colorado Associated University Press.

1977 George M. Woodwell and R.A. Houghton, "Biotic Influences on the World Carbon Budget." In Global Chemical Cycles and Their Alterations by Man (Report of Dahlem Workshop, Berlin, Nov. 1976), edited by Werner Stumm, pp. 61-72. Berlin: Abakon.

1977-89 William P. Elliott, Diaries (1977-1989), Elliott Papers on Carbon Dioxide and Climate Change, AIP.

1978 A. L. Berger, "Long-Term Variations of Caloric Insolation Resulting from the Earth's Orbital Elements." Quaternary Research 9: 139-67.

1978 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "An Estimate of the Upwelling Rate in the Equatorial Atlantic Based on the Distribution of Bomb Radiocarbon." J. Geophysical Research 83: 6179-86.

1978 Business Week, "The Human Factor in Modifying the Weather." Business Week, 27 Feb., p. 64.

1978 Paul E. Damon and Steven M. Kunen, "Reply to Letter Concerning the Paper 'Global Cooling?'" Climatic Change 1: 387-89.

1978 Lydia Dotto and Harold Schiff, The Ozone War. Garden City, NY: Doubleday.

1978 R. G. Fairbanks and R.K. Matthews, "The Marine Oxygen Isotope Record in Pleistocene Coral, Barbados, West Indies." Quaternary Research 10: 181-96.

1978 John Gribbin, Climatic Change. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

1978 James E. Hansen, et al., "Mount Agung Eruption Provides Test of a Global Climatic Perturbation." Science 199: 1065-68.

1978 Benjamin J. Herman, et al., "Atmospheric Dust: Climatological Consequences (Exchange of Letters)." Science 201: 378-79.

1978 John R. Herman and Richard A. Goldberg, Sun, Weather and Climate [NASA SP-426]. Washington, DC: US Govt. Printing Office [reprinted Dover, 1985].

1978 Charles D. Keeling, "The Influence of Mauna Loa Observatory on the Development of Atmospheric CO2 Research." In Mauna Loa Observatory. A 20th Anniversary Report. (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Special Report , September 1978), edited by John Miller, pp. 36-54. Boulder, CO: NOAA Environmental Research Laboratories (available online at

1978 Richard A. Kerr, "Climate Control: How Large a Role for Orbital Variations?" Science 201: 144-146.

1978 J.H. Mercer, "West Antarctic Ice Sheet and CO2 Greenhouse Effect: A Threat of Disaster." Nature 271: 321-25.

1978 National Defense University, "Climate Change to the Year 2000: A Survey of Expert Opinion". Washington, DC, National Defense University

1978 Ronald Pearson, Climate and Evolution. London: Academic Press.

1978 V. Ramanathan and James A. Coakley, Jr., "Climate Modeling through Radiative Convective Models." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 16: 465-89.

1978 Alan Robock, "Internally and Externally Caused Climate Change." J. Atmospheric Sciences 35: 1111-1122.

1978 Minze Stuiver, "Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide and Carbon Reservoir Changes." Science 199: 253-58.

1978 Robert H. Thomas and Charles R. Bentley, "A Model for Holocene Retreat of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet." Quaternary Research 10: 150-70.

1978 P.J. Webster and N.A. Streten, "Late Quaternary Ice Age Climates of Tropical Australasia: Interpretations and Reconstructions." Quaternary Research 10: 279-309.

1978 George M. Woodwell, et al., "The Biota and the World Carbon Budget." Science 199: 141-46.

1978 George M. Woodwell, "The Carbon Dioxide Question." Scientific American, Jan., pp. 34-43.

1979 Bert Bolin, et al., Eds. The Global Carbon Cycle. SCOPE Report No. 13. New York: John Wiley.

1979 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Fate of Fossil Fuel Carbon Dioxide and the Global Carbon Budget." Science 206: 409-18.

1979 Wallace S. Broecker, "Revised Estimate for the Radiocarbon Age of North Atlantic Deep Water." J. Geophysical Research 84: 3218-26.

1979 National Academy of Sciences, Climate Research Board, "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment". Washington, DC, National Academy of Sciences

1979 Paul J. Crutzen, et al., "Biomass Burning as a Source of the Atmospheric Gases CO, H2, N2o, Ch3cl, and Cos." Nature 282: 253-56.

1979 Hermann Flohn, "On Time Scales and Causes of Abrupt Paleoclimatic Events." Quaternary Research 12: 135-149.

1979 Kenneth P. Freeman and Kuo-Nan Liou, "Climatic Effects of Cirrus Clouds." Advances in Geophysics 21: 231-87.

1979 Harshvardhan, "Perturbations of the Zonal Radiative Balance by a Stratospheric Aerosol Layer." J. Atmospheric Sciences 36: 1274-85.

1979 Michael H. Hart, "Habitable Zones About Main Sequence Stars." Icarus 37: 351-57.

1979 Douglas V. Hoyt, "An Empirical Determination of the Heating of the Earth by the Carbon Dioxide Greenhouse Effect." Nature 282: 388-90.

1979 T.J. Hughes, et al., Climatic Warming and the Collapse of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Orono, ME: University of Maine.

1979 John G. Lockwood, Causes of Climate. New York: John Wiley.

1979 Syukuro Manabe, et al., "A Global Ocean-Atmosphere Climate Model with Seasonal Variation for Future Studies of Climate Sensitivity." Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 3: 393-426.

1979 Billy M. McCormac and Thomas A. Seliga, "Symposium/Workshop Conclusions." In Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate, edited by Billy M. McCormac and Thomas A. Seliga, pp. 1-24. Dordrecht: Reidel.

1979 J. Murray Mitchell, Jr., et al., "Evidence of a 22-Year Rhythm of Drought in the Western United States Related to the Hale Solar Cycle since the 17th Century." In Solar-Terrestrial Influences on Weather and Climate, edited by Billy M. McCormac and Thomas A. Seliga, pp. 125-47. Dordrecht: Reidel.

1979 National Academy of Sciences, Climate Research Board, Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Scientific Assessment (Jules Charney, Chair). Washington, DC: National Academy of Sciences.

1979 R.E. Newell and T.G. Dopplick, "Questions Concerning the Possible Influence of Anthropogenic CO2 on Atmospheric Temperature." J. Applied Meteorology 18: 822-25.

1979 G.R. North and James A. Coakley, Jr., "Differences between Seasonal and Mean Energy Balance Model Calculations of Climate Sensitivity." J. Atmospheric Sciences 36: 1189-1204.

1979 John S. Perry and Thomas H.R. O'Neill, "The Global Atmospheric Research Program." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 17: 1753-62.

1979 G.W. Platzman, "The Eniac Computations of 1950 -- Gateway to Numerical Weather Prediction." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 60: 302-12.

1979 Stephen C. Porter, "Hawaiian Glacial Ages." Quaternary Research 12: 161-87.

1979 Alan Robock, "The `Little Ice Age': Northern Hemisphere Average Observations and Model Calculations." Science 206: 1402-1404.

1979 Carl Sagan, et al., "Anthropogenic Albedo Changes and the Earth's Climate." Science 206: 1363-68.

1979 Detmar Schnitker, "The Deep Waters of the Western North Atlantic During the Past 24,000 Years, and the Reinitiation of the Western Boundary Undercurrent." Marine Micropaleontology 4: 265-80.

1979 Vladimir Ya. Sergin, "Numerical Modeling of the Glaciers-Ocean-Atmosphere Global System." J. Geophysical Research 84: 3191-3204.

1979 Robert H. Thomas, et al., "Effect of Climatic Warming on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet." Nature 277: 355-58.

1979 Robert H. Thomas, "Ice Shelves: A Review." J. Geophysical Research 24: 273-86.

1979 Robert H. Thomas, et al., "Effect of Climatic Warming on the West Antarctic Ice Sheet." Nature 277: 355-58.

1979 Nicholas Wade, "CO2 in Climate: Gloomsday Predictions Have No Fault." Science 206: 912-13.

1979 Stephen G. Warren and Stephen H. Schneider, "Seasonal Simulation as a Test for Uncertainties in the Parameterization of a Budyko-Sellers Zonal Climate Model." J. Atmospheric Sciences 36: 1377-91.

1979 N.W. Young, "Responses of Ice Sheets to Environmental Changes." In Sea Level, Ice and Climatic Change. Proceedings of the Symposium... 7-8 December 1979, edited by Ian Allison, pp. 331-60. Washington, DC: International Association of Hydrological Sciences, publication no. 131.

1979 John Imbrie and Katherine Palmer Imbrie, Ice Ages: Solving the Mystery. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. (N.b. there is a revised 1986 edition.)

1980 Luis W. Alvarez, et al., "Extraterrestrial Cause for the Cretaceous-Tertiary Extinction." Science 208: 1095-1108.

1980 Charles Bentley, "Response of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet to CO2 Induced Climatic Warming." In Environmental and Societal Consequences of a Possible CO2-Induced Climate Change Vol. 2, pp. 1-. Washington, DC: Dept. of Energy.

1980 Werner Berner, et al., "Information on the CO2 Cycle from Ice Core Studies." Radiocarbon 22: 227-35.

1980 Wallace S. Broecker, et al., "Modeling the Radiocarbon System." Radiocarbon 22: 565-98.

1980 Reid A. Bryson and Brian M. Goodman, "Volcanic Activity and Climatic Changes." Science 207: 1041-43.

1980 Thomas P. Charlock and William D. Sellers, "Aerosol Effects on Climate: Calculations with Time-Dependent and Steady-State Radiative-Convective Models." J. Atmospheric Sciences 37: 1327-41.

1980 Council on Environmental Quality, "The Global 2000 Report to the President of the U.S." Washington, DC, U.S. Govt. Printing Office

1980 Council on Environmental Quality, The Global 2000 Report to the President of the U.S. Vol. 2, the Technical Report. Washington, DC: U.S. Govt. Printing Office.

1980 R. J. Delmas, et al., "Polar Ice Evidence That Atmospheric CO2 20,000 Yr BP Was 50% of Present." Nature 284: 155-57.

1980 Jack A. Eddy, "The Maunder Minimum: A Reappraisal." Solar Physics 87.

1980 Cesare Emiliani, "Ice Sheets and Ice Melts." Natural History 89: 82-91.

1980 S.D. Gedzelman, The Science and Wonders of the Atmosphere. New York: Wiley.

1980 A.S. Ginsburg and E.M. Feigelyson, "Parameterization of Radiative Thermal Exchange in Models of General Circulation of the Atmosphere." In Physics of the Atmosphere and the Problem of Climate pp. 42-66. Moscow: Nauka.

1980 Claus U. Hammer, et al., "Greenland Ice Sheet Evidence of Post-Glacial Volcanism and Its Climatic Impact." Nature 288: 230-35.

1980 James E. Hansen, et al., "Climatic Effects of Atmospheric Aerosols." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 338: 575-87.

1980 Steve J. Heims, John Von Neumann and Norbert Wiener: From Mathematics to the Technologies of Life and Death. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1980 J.R. Hickey, et al., "Initial Solar Irradiance Determination from Nimbus 7 Cavity Radiometer Measurements." Science 208: 281-83.

1980 Martin I. Hoffert, et al., "The Role of Deep Sea Heat Storage in the Secular Response to Climatic Forcing." J. Geophysical Research 85: 6667-79.

1980 John T. Hollin, "Climate and Sea Level in Isotope Stage 5: An East Antarctic Surge at ~95,000 BP?" Nature 283: 629-33.

1980 R.B. Husar and D.E. Patterson, "Regional Scale Air Pollution: Sources and Effects." Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 338: 399-417.

1980 Sherwood B. Idso, "The Climatological Significance of a Doubling of Earth's Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide Concentration." Science 207: 1462-63.

1980 John Imbrie and John Z. Imbrie, "Modelling the Climatic Response to Orbital Variations." Science 207: 943-53.

1980 William W. Kellogg, "Aerosols and Climate." In Interactions of Energy and Climate, edited by W. Bach et al., pp. 281-96. Dordrecht: Reidel.

1980 Helmut E. Landsberg, "Variable Solar Emissions, the `Maunder Minimum' and Climatic Temperature Fluctuations." Archiv für Meteorologie Geophysik und Bioklimatologie Ser. B, 28: 181-91.

1980 Gordon J. MacDonald, "Climatic Effects of Trace Constituents of the Atmosphere." Paper Presented at Third International Conference on the Environment, Paris.

1980 Roland A. Madden and V. Ramanathan, "Detecting Climate Change Due to Increasing Carbon Dioxide." Science 209: 763-68.

1980 Syukuro Manabe and R.J. Stouffer, "Sensitivity of a Global Climate Model to an Increase of CO2 Concentration in the Atmosphere." J. Geophysical Research 85: 5529-54.

1980 Syukuro Manabe and Richard T. Wetherald, "On the Distribution of Climate Change Resulting from an Increase in CO2 Content of the Atmosphere." J. Atmospheric Sciences 37: 99-118.

1980 N. ( Myers ?) Myhers, "Conversion of Tropical Moist Forests". Washington, DC, National Research Council

1980 Homer Newell, Beyond the Atmosphere: Early Years of Space Science. Washington, DC: NASA SP-4211.

1980 V. Ramanathan, "Climatic Effects of Anthropogenic Trace Gases." In Interactions of Energy and Climate, edited by W. Bach et al., pp. 269-80. Dordrecht: Reidel.

1980 Stephen H. Schneider, et al., "Carbon Dioxide and Climate (Exchange of Letters)." Science 210: 6.

1980 Wolfgang Seiler and Paul J. Crutzen, "Estimates of Gross and Net Fluxes of Carbon between the Biosphere and the Atmosphere from Biomass Burning." Climatic Change 2: 207-47.

1980 Minze Stuiver and Paul D. Quay, "Changes in Atmospheric Carbon-14 Attributed to a Variable Sun." Science 207: 11-19.

1980 Billie L. Taylor, et al., "Volcanic Eruptions and Long-Term Temperature Records: An Empirical Search for Cause and Effect." Quarterly J. Royal Meteorological Society 106: 175-99.

1980 Glenn T. Trewartha and Lyle H. Horn, An Introduction to Climate. New York: McGraw-Hill.

1980 Sean A. Twomey, "Cloud Nucleation in the Atmosphere and the Influence of Nucleus Concentration Levels in Atmospheric Physics." J. Physical Chemistry 84: 1459-63.

1980 Warren M. Washington, et al., "A General Circulation Experiment with a Coupled Atmosphere, Ocean and Sea Ice Model." J. Physical Oceanography 10: 1887-1908.

1980 Thompson Webb, III, "The Reconstruction of Climatic Sequences from Botanical Data." J. Interdisciplinary History 10(4): 749-72.

1981 Bert Bolin, Ed. Carbon Cycle Modeling. SCOPE Report No. 16. New York: John Wiley.

1981 Wallace S. Broecker, "Geochemical Tracers and Ocean Circulation." In Evolution of Physical Oceanography: Scientific Surveys in Honor of Henry Stommel, edited by Bruce A. Warren and Carl Wunsch, pp. 434-60. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1981 William F. Budd, "The Importance of Ice Sheets in Long Term Changes of Climate and Sea Level." In Sea Level, Ice and Climatic Change. Proceedings of the Symposium... 7-8 December 1979, edited by Ian Allison, pp. 441-471. Washington, DC: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (publication no. 131).

1981 William F. Budd and I.N. Smith, "The Growth and Retreat of Ice Sheets in Response to Orbital Radiation Changes." In Sea Level, Ice and Climatic Change. Proceedings of the Symposium... 7-8 December 1979, edited by Ian Allison, pp. 369-409. Washington, DC: International Association of Hydrological Sciences (publication no. 131).

1981 CLIMAP project members CLIMAP, "Seasonal Reconstruction of the Earth's Surface at the Last Glacial Maximum". Boulder, CO, Geological Society of America Map and Chart Series MC-36

1981 Ronald L. Gilliland, "Solar Radius Variations over the Past 265 Years." Astrophysical J. 248: 1144-55.

1981 James E. Hansen, et al., "Climate Impact of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide." Science 213: 957-66.

1981 William W. Kellogg and Robert Schware, Climate Change and Society: Consequences of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Boulder, CO: Westview.

1981 Richard A. Kerr, "Pollution of the Arctic Atmosphere Confirmed." Science 212: 1013-14.

1981 Kirill Ya. Kondratyev, "Stratosphere and Climate." Meteorology and Climatology (Science and Technology Findings, Izd. VINITI Akad. Nauk SSSR) 6.

1981 Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, "Activities- Fy80, Plans- Fy81". Princeton, NJ, U.S. Department of Commerce

1981 D.M. McLean, "A Test of Terminal Mesozoic 'Catastrophe'." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 53: 103-08.

1981 Edward Miles, "COSPAR and SCOR: The Political Influence of the Committee on Space Research and the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research." In Knowledge and Power in a Global Society, edited by William M. Evan, pp. 133-52. Beverly Hills, CA: Sage.

1981 Gerald R. North, et al., "Energy Balance Climate Models." Reviews of Geophysics and Space Physics 19: 91-121.

1981 James T. Peterson, et al., "Atmospheric Turbidity over Central North Carolina." J. Applied Meteorology 20: 229-41.

1981 Niklas G. Pisias and T.C. Moore, Jr., "The Evolution of Pleistocene Climate: A Time Series Approach." Earth and Planetary Science Letters 52: 450-58.

1981 Gerald L. Potter, et al., "Climate Change and Cloud Feedback: The Possible Radiative Effects of Latitudinal Redistribution." J. Atmospheric Sciences 38: 489-93.

1981 V. Ramanathan, "The Role of Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions in the CO2 Climate Problem." J. Atmospheric Sciences 38: 918-30.

1981 R.A. Rasmussen and M.A.K. Khalil, "Preliminary Communication: Increase in the Concentration of Atmospheric Methane." Atmospheric Environment 15: 883-86.

1981 R.A. Rasmussen and M.A.K. Khalil, "Atmospheric Methane: Trends and Seasonal Cycles." J. Geophysical Research 86: 9826-32.

1981 William F. Ruddiman and Andrew McIntyre, "The North Atlantic Ocean During the Last Deglaciation." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 35: 145-214.

1981 William F. Ruddiman and Andrew McIntyre, "The Mode and Mechanism of the Last Deglaciation: Oceanic Evidence." Quaternary Research 16: 125-34.

1981 T.H. Vonder Haar, et al., "Measurements of the Earth Radiation Budget from Satellites During the First GARP Global Experiment." Advances in Space Research 1: 285-97.

1981 James C.G. Walker, et al., "A Negative Feedback Mechanism for the Long-Term Stabilization of Earth's Surface Temperature." J. Geophysical Research 86: 9776-82.

1981 Bruce A. Warren and Carl Wunsch, Eds. Evolution of Physical Oceanography: Scientific Surveys in Honor of Henry Stommel. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1981 Pierre Welander, "Oscillations in a Simple Air-Water System Driven by a Stabilizing Heat Flux." Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans 5: 269-80.

1981 Richard C. Willson, et al., "Observations of Solar Irradiance Variability." Science 211: 700-702.

1981 Carl Wunsch, "Low-Frequency Variability of the Sea." In Evolution of Physical Oceanography: Scientific Surveys in Honor of Henry Stommel, edited by Bruce A. Warren and Carl Wunsch, pp. 342-74. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1982 R. J. Ball and G. P. Robinson, "The Origin of Haze in the Central United States and Its Effect on Solar Radiation." J. Applied Meteorology 21: 171-188.

1982 P. R. Bell, "Methane Hydrate and the Carbon Dioxide Question." In Carbon Dioxide Review 1982, edited by William C. Clark, pp. 401-406. New York: Oxford University Press.

1982 C.R. Bentley, "The West Antarctic Ice Sheet: Diagnosis and Prognosis." In Carbon Dioxide Research Conference. Proceedings. Springfield, VA: NTIS.

1982 Edward A. Boyle and Lloyd D. Keigwin, "Deep Circulation of the North Atlantic over the Last 200,000 Years: Geochemical Evidence." Science 218: 784-87.

1982 Wallace S. Broecker, "Glacial to Interglacial Changes in Ocean Chemistry." Progess in Oceanography 11: 151-97.

1982 Wallace S. Broecker, "Ocean Chemistry During Glacial Time." Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 46: 1689-1705.

1982 Wallace S. Broecker and T.H. Peng, Tracers in the Sea. Palisades, NY: Eldigio.

1982 H.B. Craig and C.C. Chou, "Methane: The Record in Polar Ice Cores." Geophysical Research Letters 9: 1221-24.

1982 Paul J. Crutzen and John W. Birks, "The Atmosphere after a Nuclear War: Twilight at Noon." Ambio 11: 114-25.

1982 W. B. Curry and G. P. Lohmann, "Carbon Isotope Changes in Benthic Foraminifera from the Western South Atlantic: Reconstruction of Glacial Abyssal Circulation Patterns." Quaternary Research 18: 218-35.

1982 W. Dansgaard, et al., "A New Greenland Deep Ice Core." Science 218: 1273-77.

1982 Robert Etkins and Edward S. Epstein, "The Rise of Global Mean Sea Level as an Indication of Climate Change." Science 215: 287-89.

1982 E.G. Gill, Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics, International Geophysics Series, 30. San Diego: Academic Press.

1982 Ronald L. Gilliland, "Modeling Solar Variability." Astrophysical J. 253: 399-405.

1982 Ronald L. Gilliland, "Solar, Volcanic, and CO2 Forcing of Recent Climatic Changes." Climatic Change 4: 111-31.

1982 William Glen, The Road to Jaramillo : Critical Years of the Revolution in Earth Science. Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.

1982 V. Gornitz, et al., "Global Sea Level Trend in the Past Century." Science 215: 1611-14.

1982 John Gribbin, Future Weather and the Greenhouse Effect. New York: Delacorte Press.

1982 M.M. Hall and H.L. Bryden, "Direct Estimates and Mechanisms of Ocean Heat Transport." Deep-Sea Research 29: 339-59.

1982 M.R. Harrison, "The Media and Public Perceptions of Climatic Change." Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 63: 730-38.

1982 Mel Horwitch, Clipped Wings : The American SST Conflict. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press.

1982 T.J. Hughes, "The Stability of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet: What Has Happened and What Will Happen." In Carbon Dioxide Research Conference. Proceedings. Springfield, VA: NTIS.

1982 Sherwood B. Idso, Carbon Dioxide: Friend or Foe? Tempe, AZ: IBR Press.

1982 John Imbrie, "Astronomical Theory of the Pleistocene Ice Ages: A Brief Historical Review." Icarus 50: 408-22.

1982 John Imbrie, "Astronomical Theory of the Pleistocene Ice Ages: A Brief Historical Review." Icarus 50: 408-22.

1982 P.D. Jones, et al., "Variations of Surface Air Temperatures. Part I: Northern Hemisphere, 1881-1980." Monthly Weather Review 110: 59-70.

1982 Gordon J. MacDonald, The Long-Term Impacts of Increasing Atmospheric Carbon Dioxide. Cambridge, MA: Ballinger.

1982 Richard D. McIver, "Role of Naturally Occurring Gas Hydrates in Sediment Transport." AAPG Bulletin 66: 789-92.

1982 National Research Council, CO2/Climate Review Panel, "Carbon Dioxide and Climate: A Second Assessment." Washington, DC, National Academy of Sciences

1982 A. Neftel, et al., "Ice Core Sample Measurements Give Atmospheric Content During the Past 40,000 Yr." Nature 295: 220-23.

1982 C. Rooth, "Hydrology and Ocean Circulation." Progess in Oceanography 11: 131-49.

1982 Detmar Schnitker, "Climate Variability and Deep Ocean Circulation: Evidence from the North Atlantic." Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology 40: 213-34.

1982 Glenn E. Shaw, "Atmospheric Turbidity in the Polar Regions." J. Applied Meteorology 21: 1080-88.

1982 J. Shukla and Y. Mintz, "Influence of Land-Surface Evapotranspiration on the Earth's Climate." Science 215: 1498-1500.

1982 Richard C. Willson, "Solar Irradiance Variations and Solar Activity." J. Geophysical Research 87: 4319-26.

1982 Geneviève M. Woillard and Willem G. Mook, "Carbon-14 Dates at Grande Pile: Correlation of Land and Sea Chronologies." Science 215: 159-61.

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in press Erik Conway, A History of Atmospheric Science at NASA (Draft Title). Baltimore, MD: Johns Hopkins University Press.

copyright © 2003-2006 Spencer Weart & American Institute of Physics